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Welcome, fellow traveler.� Your journey across the wilds of Vvardenfell, through the streets of Mournhold, and over the glaciers of Solstheim has brought you here. Throughout your long journey you have had this nagging feeling that �something�s not right�, or �something�s missing�, or perhaps �that didn�t seem real�, or even maybe �that was too easy�. This has prompted you to embark on a new quest to find answers to a new burning question, �How can I fix this?� Your quest is at an end. Listed here are the mods designed to do just that.
Notes & Disclaimers
Realistic and challenging game-play is the key requirement
of the mods on this list.
the flow (play) of the game is an desired feature for most players and mods
that do this are included in this list.
the game more aesthetically pleasing has also been considered in the selection
of several mods for this list.
the game work "right" is also a consideration, and as such lists of
fixes for both known game bugs and improved gameplay is included here.
authors� work of similar mods not included in this list is in no way a
reflection on the quality of their work.
here are the numerous quest, city expansion, home, weapon, armor, furnishings,
clothing, race, and other themed mods available. A list of those and
other mods can be found here
Several of the mods listed here fit more than a
single category. These are listed with the additional category
in parentheses.
A few of the mods listed here are in the beta
version or have significant reported bugs still being worked out. These
*highlighted thus*
of the mods listed here require MW Enhanced
. These are marked **
A few
of the mods listed here require Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE)
. These are marked ++
of the mods listed here were exclusively hosted either at TheLys, TESMods, EuroRPG
or at
Unforgotten Realms
and are currently unavailable. These are
highlighted thus
. F
Many of the mods listed here are linked to either
Planet Elder
of the mods listed here duplicate some of the same features. If used together the load order will then
determine which mod�s features will be used in the game. Remember, last mod loaded
into the game "wins".
F Some
of the mods listed here will
conflict with some of the mods on this list, as well as other mods not on this list.
There are no �conflict free� guarantees here.
read through the readme provided with each mod to determine if you wish to add
it to your game and determine if there are any potential conflicts with the
other mods you are currently using. Some of the known, and major, conflicts are listed.
It is
recommended that you save a �clean� save for your current game before using any
new mod if you do not wish to start a new game. Some mods cannot be
removed once saved into an existing game. �Buyer beware� is in full
effect with any and all mods listed here.
F Updated: June 3rd, 2007E
New and recently added mods are marked with a
Newly updated mods are marked with a
Empirical Morrowind�s Mod Wish List
Adding realism to the game
Combat Realism
Dodge Mod 1.2-WD
Makes the Unarmored Skill more formidable, granting a Dodge/Sanctuary bonus based
on skill level, thus making the Player harder to hit.�
Wearing a single piece of armor no longer nullifies the dodge bonus.�
Instead, each piece of armor worn significantly reduces the bonus until it is entirely dispelled.�
Only high-level unarmored players can retain a portion of their dodge bonus wearing
more than one or two pieces of armor.
Combat Moves
Gives the player the ability to perform special attacks of various kinds, making
melee combat more active and interesting by providing an incentive to try new tactics and by
requiring more skill on the player�s part.�
There are 4 categories of weapons that all have different moves: One handed weapons,
two-handed weapons, Polearms and unarmed combat. The moves are triggered by performing
combinations of strikes, jump-attacks, by using sneak mode, etc. The effects include knockout,
real damage for hand-to-hand, disarming the opponent and much more.
Enemy Hand to Hand Damage
Changes the way enemy punches affect the player. Instead of doing fatigue
damage, they will do health damage instead.
Blocking Enhanced**
Brings blocking under the player's control. Normally, no attacks will be
blocked. When the player holds down a configurable key, they will block every
attack, but at the same time cannot attack back. If the player has no shield, a
sanctuary effect will be added to simulate parrying.
Combat Enhanced**
Brings the game�s combat system more under the player�s control.�
Creates 30 different combat combos using simple combinations of the basic attacks (i.e.
Slash, Slash, and Thrust).� There are 5 combos
for each of the 6 weapon types.� Adds Trance
and Rage to the game that slow down the passage of time so you can react more quickly,
better plan your combos, and dodge attacks.
Hitto's Useless ACE add-ons
Wound Effects & Penalties v2.0
Makes it so that a player near death will fight less effectively than at
full health by applying penalties as the PC's health decrease.
Once the player's health hits 30%, he will start to suffer from blood loss, and lose health
progressively unless his health level is restored.
TheLys� Blood and Gore v2.14
Makes player, NPCs and creatures BLEED by generating visual elements (blood, chunks,
smoke) when they're hit. Visual elements are based on the NPC's or creature's
nature and what they've been hit by. All elements have an accompanying sound effect.
NPC Enhanced v1.2
Makes combat with generic NPCs in Morrowind more interesting and challenging.
These changes will affect any NPC you fight, including those added by
other mods. Among the features introduced is the ability of the NPCs to
"hear". The sound of combat will drawn any nearby NPCs which would
normally attack the PC on sight to come running to the aid of those fighting the PC.
Fleeing NPCs will alert other NPCs as they flee. Another feature is that
NPCs will now switch between ranged and melee weapons according to the distance
to the Player.
Aerelorn�s Less Annoying Guards
Stops the dialogue menu from popping up in the middle of combat with Guards.
If your weapon is drawn or a spell is readied, the guards will simply
attack. If you want to pay the fine, go to jail, or present writs just sheath
your weapon or unready your spell and the guards will initiate dialogue and
give you that option. You can do this before or after they attack you.
This can be tough on lower level characters. If you don't notice the guards coming
towards you and you have your weapon out, they may kill you with just a few strikes.
Be warned, and be aware of your surroundings when committing crimes.
Weapon/Armor Realism
Note: Those wishing for a list of armor and weapon mods can find them here.
Armor Effects-LD v2.0-WD
Wearing medium or heavy armors now bring a cumulative Sneak Penalty and heavy armor
will also cause a slight Agility Penalty, making light armor or going Unarmored
more attractive.
Halo's MWE_ArmorEffects** v2.1
Blunt Weapon Tweak
Changes the "blunt two close" type weapons to "blunt two
wide", making a blunt weapon attack look more natural.
M6n6M6�s Weapon Range Balance
Changes the length of the weapons in the game to be more realistic.
Edgewood Dirk�s
Halberd Revamp v1.0
Changes the halberds in the game from a thrusting weapon to a slashing/chopping weapon.
Weapon Fix
Changes the stats of all the game�s weapons to match much more closely to their real
world counterparts. Also eliminates the �ignores normal weapon resistance� flag for many weapon
materials making them ineffective against undead and Daedric creatures.
reduces the weight of the weapons to the point where it is possible to carry a
vast arsenal of weapons, reducing its true realism.
Michael 'HelioS' Bennett's
Assassins Armory v7.6
Adds dual-wielding weapons, with paired offensive and defensive weapons.
Defensive weapons differ from shields in that you block with a combination of your
Block skill and the appropriate weapon skill.
Additional dual-wielding mods can be found
Fixes two minor errors (missing icon and item placement) in Assassins Armory v.7.6
Jeremy's Knights of Tamriel
P Marbred's MCA CM Armory Add-on v1.0
Economy Realism
Bank v2.4a
Adds banking to the game. Accounts, letters of credit, loans, collection agents, the works.
Morrowind Economy/Trade Fix v1.8 (+ Difficulty Enhancement, Game Additions)
Eliminates the ability to take advantage of the �negative� items quirk.
All Traders/Service class NPCs now have limited stocks, and have increased Mercantile
and Speechcraft skills, making bartering and bribing more difficult.
Caravaners and Shipmasters will now have small random items for sale.
Pawnbrokers/General Traders will have a small chance of having rarer/more
expensive items for sale, making it worth paying them a visit now and again.
Balance Adjustments v2.0
Reprices virtually every in game object to a "fair" price that is based the
quality/power of the item as well as its level of availability in the game.
The rarer an item, the more expensive it will be.
Improved Bartering v1.2++
Makes the trading system in Morrowind a more immersive experience.
Merchants will no longer have a predefined, specific amount of gold to barter
with each day. The amount will vary from none to twice the merchant's
level. Also adds the ability to convince almost any NPC in the game
to barter with you by simply asking them.
Note: Requires Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE).
Economy: Merchants and Taxes v0.8*
Sets the mercantile and Speechcraft of merchants to appropriate level and
keeps them rising along with the PC�s progress, requiring the player not to
neglect his mercantile and Speechcraft skills. Makes merchant behavior
more rational. No more selling items for less than their cost.
Introduces taxes to the game. Taxes are based on character level.
Economy Adjuster
A series of modular plug-ins designed to reduce to amount of gold available in the
game and make the economy of Morrowind more realistic. The individual
modules included increase penalities for crimes (including death warrants issued
against the player when the Empire deems him/her a threat to society), balances the
value of ingredients in relationship to their availability in the game, makes
merchants act in a more rational manner and many other changes.
Improved Inns 1.10
Fixes the renting scripts so that you cannot stay in a room rented
"for 1 day" endlessly, updating the rental situation in real time. If
you're in your room when the renting time ends, the publican will kick you
out! Allows for 4 rental options: 1, 5, 15 and 30 days.
Business Sim
The Farmer Mod v4.3
Thief-Class Realism
Thief Experience Overhaul-LD v1.3b
NPC Realism
Helios & Wrye's
Living Cities of Vvardenfell v3.07
Your Morrowind Family
Tarnman's Elders of Vvardenfell v1.0
Elders of Vvardenfell MCA add-on
NPC Gnisis
Gives the NPCs of Gnisis wandering outside a schedule: they will go home at night
and seek shelter when it's raining. Vendors go the Madach Tradehouseat
at night. Each NPC has his/her own schedule, so not all of them "retire for the evening" at
the same time, and they will appear outdoors at different times in the morning.
MW Inhabitants: Pickpockets! v1.0++
Add pickpockets to the game. You can customize 4 aspects of their
behavior, including spawn frequency, speed (relative to player's speed), what types
of items are stolen (any items, or gold only), and toggle the time limit for recovering
your stolen items on or off. Items stolen can be recovered at nearby
thieves' hideouts. MWSE v0.92 or higher required.
Genetics v1.3
Creates diversity in the Morrowind races so that all the NPCs of a single races
do not all have the same attributes. This mod only affects the default races.
Note: There are reports of low level NPCs turning up dead in the game where they
should be very much alive. Author promised an update to remedy this, but
one has not been forthcoming. A clean save is highly recommended before
using this mod.
Traveling Merchants v1.2
Adds "travelers"
to Morrowind, NPCs that actually move between towns on set routes. Adds a little
life to the roads and provides new role playing opportunities. There
are 7 traveling merchants, all located in the western part of Vvardenfell.
Note: A
Tribunal patch is available that fixes dialogue loops with Tribunal NPCs that
use the "wait here" topic.
Traveling Merchants v2.2
Adds seven more traveling merchants in Vvardenfell in addition to the ones added
by the original Traveling Merchants mod.
The Regulars - Sitting NPCs v 2.02
Adds 27 NPCs to various pubs and clubs on Vvardenfell that are actually sitting down.
These NPCs won't do much - they have no quests for you and they will
only get up when you fight them. Makes the pubs look much more real.
Wrye's NoM v2.12-04
Role Playing Realism
Writing Enhanced**
Sewing (leather and cloth items)
Weaving (straw items)
Pottery Making
Brewing poisons
Fletching (making arrows, etc.)
Building campfires.
NOTE: several of the features of Complete Morrowind (CMW) are not compatible with other mods such as Necessities and Armorer.  Several; individual modules are available to use specific CMW features and avoid possible conflicts with other mods you might be using.
Blade Tail�s
Morrowind Complete Full merged with Hunger Mod
Toccatta and Drac's Morrowind Crafting v2.1
Glass Blowing
Candle & Pottery making
Weaving & Sewing
Mining & Smithing
Cooking & Brewing
Jewelry making
Poison making
Creates unique dialogue for every NPC for every generic topic in the cities and strongholds
titled in their mods. Adds special features like a story-telling NPC whom
you have to impress progressively so she'll continue her story. Adds dialogue based
Brother Juniper�s
Balmora/Ascadian Isles Dialogue
Difficulty Enhancement
Increasing the difficulty of the game
Puma Man�s
Advanced Guards v4.0
Upgrades all of the generic guards in Vvardenfell to be the equals of the guards in Mournhold.
Using leveled lists, as the player levels up, so do the guards. You will learn to
respect the law!
Hard Patch 2004
Adds a �continuously increasing level of difficulty� system to the game to match the
player�s progression through the game, providing for a more challenging game.
Rogues v1.51
Adds Rogues and Assassins that will attack the player at random places in
the game. Balanced by increased guard activity.
Hostile Attackers v4.0
Adds NPCs to the level lists that are scripted to match the level of player and
set to fight on sight. Hostiles are rare at early level, but begin to appear with
more frequency at levels 8 and higher. Expect a greater challenge.
Blind Eye�s
Bribery v1.0
Makes it difficult for the player to bribe the NPCs unless the player has
a high Speechcraft skill.
Blind Eye�s
Non-profit Alchemy
All player-made potions now have zero value, eliminating this �cash cow�
for the player.
Tribunal Fix v1.0 (+ Game Bug Fix)
Makes a trip to Mournhold more challenging for higher level characters. Changes
the toughness of some creatures, and placed more of them so they can work in groups.
Gets rid of all the references to the "Robots" in the
game. Fixes �the pack rat not following you� error and a few dialogue errors.
Weather Effects v1.2
Adds negative effects to the player when traveling in areas with harsh
weather conditions. Nothing drastic, but now you'll have an incentive to find a
safe place to hide out when a storm hits.
Sixth House Advanced v2.1
Makes creatures and NPCs of the Sixth House far more formidable. Fixes and balances
the creatures/NPCs of the Sixth House so that Dagoths are no longer weaker than their
non-Dagoth counterparts. Makes the final confrontation with Dagoth Ur
to be a more difficult battle.
P. Vaira�s
Unleveled Creatures v2.0
Makes all creatures appear from the start. This is much more realistic
than seeing creatures "magically appear" when you reach a certain
level. Now you really do run for your life, or fight to the death at the beginning
of the game.
Better Solsthiem Creatures v2.0
Adjusts stats of the creatures of Solsthiem, making trips in the wilds of Solsthiem
much more challenging and interesting.
Hungers 1.1
Makes the Hungers into nocturnal predators that are to be feared. They
are now a much more formidable opponent, and the manner in which they conduct
their attack is much more in keeping with their name.
No thieving start (+ Alternative Beginnings)
Eliminates the �thieving start� at the beginning of the game. Places
ownership on all items inside the Census and Excise office as well as all the
outside containers in the cities, thereby eliminating an easy source of gold and
items for the player. Balanced by giving extra gold and items to the Player at
the start. In addition, all the tutorial messages when you start a new
game have been removed.
Traps (+ Thief-Class Realism)
Increases the difficult to disarm traps. Some traps will be impossible to avoid.
Economy fix � Item Lists
Alters most of the leveled item lists in the game. Notably, rare gemstones and high end
equipment are now MUCH rarer
Artifact Level Requirements v2.0
Balances the game by preventing a low-level player from obtaining a powerful item
and using it as a replacement for developing their skills. Instead, the
player must level up and become mentally and physically strong enough to use the item,
so that it will augment their stats and skills, and not replace them.
Hardcore Factions v1.0
Makes it more difficult to join factions and guilds, and harder to rise to the top.
Players will no longer be able to join and head every faction and instead will gravitate
toward the faction(s) that reflect the skills they started out with. Factions
have their own standards and criterion for membership and rank advancement. The
Temple is the easiest to join. The Fighters guild is difficult to join,
but easier to progress through. The Mages guild is very strict with their standards.
Kazeiru Nannoki�s
Advanced Save System v1.0
Does away with the "Save Anywhere" system and implements a
"Save Point System" similar to many RPG games. Changes gameplay
style to be more cautious. "Should I open this trapped door?
If I die, my last save was fifteen minutes ago..."
Save Points are located in most of the towns and cities.
NOTE: this mod unavoidably disables the hotkey menu.
Armingers at Ghostgate
Adds several new Buoyant Arminger guards to the Ghostgate. The
Ghostgate is supposed to be one of the most important places in Morrowind, yet
it is almost completely unguarded in the original game. This mod addresses that oversight.
Makes the Arena of Vivec come alive: gladiator battles, spectators in the stands,
merchants hawking their wares to the Arena fans.
*Dok Enkephalin's
Friends and Rivals v0.7*
Adds NPCs that can be hired or "won over" to join the Player on his/her quests as a
Friend, Companion and/or Partner. Planned for future versions are Rivals, Enemies
and Adversaries that will actively seek to act against the Player. All very good reasons
to surround yourself with allies.
Note: Author is looking for playtesters to look for bugs
Creature Additions
NOTE: This is only a small list of the creature mods available. All but
the last two increase the difficulty of the game. An expanded list of animal/wildlife
mods can be found
Werewolf Lairs v1.2
Adds 4 werewolves to Vvardenfell. Each has their own unique lair and adds a new
danger to the wilds of Vvardenfell.
Creature Pack v1.1
Adds new undead and host of other creatures to the game that test even the mightiest of heroes
The Undead v2.2
Adds 140 new types of undead enemies to the leveled lists of Vvardenfell, Solstheim,
and the Mournhold Sewers. They will appear in the tombs, and outside at night.
Wild Durzogs
Adds Durzogs to the wilds of Vvardenfell.
Reign of Fire: The Attack of the Dragons v1.1
Adds dragons into Vvardenfell and gives you the opportunity to fight them, as well
as capture a baby dragon and train it so that you ride through the skies of Vvardenfell.
Dremora Archer
Adds a third Dremora, the Dremora Archer, to the leveled lists. Each
is equipped with a Daedric Longbow and fifteen Daedric Arrows.
JL Polson�s
Diamondback Kagouti
Adds a more powerful, poisonous species of Kagouti, the Diamondback, to Vvardenfell.
Blighted Animals v1.1
Replaces the textures for the blighted animals. All blighted animals
now have a grayish texture. You can now actually tell when creatures are blighted
before they attack you.
Silt Striders are in Vvardenfell
Adds wild Silt Striders to Vvardenfell.
Mega Creature Additions
NOTE: These mods add a large and varied number of creatures to game.
Puma Man�s
GIANTS v2.7.1 "Ultimate" (+ Difficulty Enhancement)
Adds Giants,scorpions, giant spiders, golems and host of other nasties.
GIANTS Ultimate Patch v2.0
Removes and/or replaces several of the least popular creatures from
GIANTS. Read the readme
before deciding to use.
Mod was not created by the Puma Man team
GIANTS Ultimate (no monsters in cities)
Removes all the GIANTS creature spawn
points in the cities, villages and plantations.
Mod was not created by the Puma Man team
Puma Man�s
GIANTS Creature Remover + Tool kit v1.1
Plug-ins designed to remove specific creatures from GIANTS.
Puma Man�s Wilderness v2.1
Adds birds, fish, sea creatures, mythical beasts and host of other creatures to
the wilds of Vvardenfell. Some, like the pumas and saber-toothed tigers,
are aggressive. Cats, dogs and other domesticated animals have been added
to the cities and settlements of Vvardenfell. Adds over 60 new alchemy
ingredients to the game.
Creatures v9.0 (+ Difficulty Enhancement)
Adds new creatures based on the existing Morrowind creatures. Adds several
new types of Dreamers to make visits to the Sixth House bases a bit more interesting,
and challenging.
Where are the Birds Going? v1.9
Adds birds, bats and flying insects to the game that are placed dynamically by script.
Water Life v1.1
Adds fish and marine animals to the seas around Vvanderfell using a unique scripting
method to place the creatures in the world to make them seem more "alive" and natural.
Miscellaneous Additions
Alchemy v3.0607 (+ Gameplay Tweak)
Adds new alchemy ingredients to the game and makes numerous changes to the alchemy
system, including removing the exploits.
Magic Nakor�s
Bloated Morrowind
Adds the source of bloat spores
into the game. They are found along the marshy coastlines and in dank caverns.
Rings and Amulets v2.1
Adds an additional 241 amulets and 130 rings to the game.
BEER! v1.12-04
Adds beer and other alcoholic beverages to the game. Also adds four
new taverns to the game outside of the cities. Designed as a companion to
Necessities of Morrowind (NoM)
, but does not require that mod.
Misty Moon's
Javelins and Throwing Axes
Adds Javelins and Throwing Axes that you can throw instead of using them as a melee weapon.
Tribunal Integration
Adds various items from Tribunal to Vvardenfell, as well as makes several game
adjustments to integrate the expansion for more seamless play.
Bloodmoon Extras v1.2
Adds various items that were part of Bloodmoon expansion but that were not put in the game.
Traders 300
Adds new Leveled Item lists to the game that add random merchandise to most of
the shops in Vvardenfell that change with every visit.
Tribunal & Bloodmoon Ingredients v1.0
Adds two new Item Leveled
lists to the game so that there is a chance of finding Tribunal or Bloodmoon alchemy
ingredients in Vvardenfell.
Tomb & Ruins Additions
Note: Those wishing for an expanded list of tomb and dungeon mods can find them here.
Haunted Tombs v1.06
Add special effects to
the tombs and barrows. You will hear sounds every now and then. There are some flying
objects here and there. Some of the enemies have had their AIs scripted.
Dwemer Ruins Fix v2.5
Allows you to use the Dwemer satchels to blow-up cave-ins to explore new
hidden passages in several of the Dwemer ruins.
Dwemer Loot
Adds new Dwemer-style loot (repair items, new pick, probes, etc.) to the leveled
lists in the Dwemer ruins.
Disturb the Dead v3.31
Adds possible treasure to the urns in the tombs and barrows. Adds the
possibility that if you open the urns that you might up wake some nasty undead
creature or be cursed. If you loot too many urns and tomb chests you
will be marked as a Gravedigger and then the undead will start to disturb you.
Tombs Expanded v1.1
Expands every tomb in Vvardenfell by adding 1-6 new dungeon levels to them, creating over 300 new
dungeon levels to search. Every tomb has also new loot and new undead monsters.
Alternative Beginnings
Starting the game differently
Alternate Beginnings
Eliminates starting the game inside the prison ship and gives the Player five
different choices as to where to start the game. Your character will
have different things in their inventory depending on where they start but nothing
of any real value. They will also have less money than is available
with the standard beginning, so things might initially be more difficult.
The new starting situations do not have their own storylines. The
background of how the character got into that situation is left to the player's
imagination and they will not be given any guidance on where to go after starting.
The original Morrowind Main Quest is still playable and can be started
by talking to Sellus Gravius in the Seyda Neen Census and Excise office.
Makes minor changes to dialogue.
Jman0warS and ManaUser's
Privateer's Hold v1.0
Adds the dungeon from Daggerfall as the starting point into the game.
Alternate Start: Delayed Orders
Eliminates starting the game inside the prison ship, starting the Player in a shack
in Sedya Neen. In addition to the normal CharGen phase, players are given the option of
choosing a starting weapon and a starting set of armor. All of the starting equipment is low-end and
does not unbalance the game.
NOTE: There are reports of the CharGen messageboxes appearing if you go into the
Census and Excise Office. Annoying but not fatal.
Character Maker v1.1
Allows you to have a greater amount of control over the creation of your character.
Set any of your stats from 10 to 60 from the 330 points you have to distribute. For skills
you have 45 points to distribute, in the form of 5, 10, or 15 point bonuses.
CharGen Revamped v1.4
Combines Alternate Beginnings and
Character Maker and increases the number
of possible starting locations to 30. The original starting location is still
available by declining the spawn editor.
Chargen Werewolf
Allows you to become a werewolf at the start of the game.
Kekvit Irae's
Paths of Life v1.5
Replaces the birthsigns with lifestyles during the CharGen phase.
Instead of choosing which sign you were born under, you choose which lifestyle
you lived (or were best suited to) before you became a prisoner and sent to Morrowind.
Many provide an interesting challenge to the game.
Mark Hamilton's
Randomized Stats
Randomly adjusts the starting stats and skills during the CharGen phase.
Stats and skills are based on both race and sex of the Player (the difference
between the sexes is very slight). You will get to see the stats and
skills at the usual review point in the character creation process. If
you choose not to accept your character and change any feature at the review point
you will then receive the usual (non random) stats and skills.
Advantages/Disadvantages v1.3
Adds a version of Daggerfall's advantages/disadvantages system to the CharGen phase.
There are seven advantages and seven disadvantages to choose from.
Players need a disadvantage before they can choose an advantage.
No CharGen Message Boxes
Eliminates the annoying message boxes during the CharGen phase.
Unique Birthsigns
Adds 14 new birthsigns.
Brian W's
Playable Classes
Allows the player to play all game classes rather than just a few. If
you want to play the game as a commoner or bookseller you now can.
Cutthroat Mods'
Races and Classes v2.5
Adds 41 new classes and 2 races (Dwarf and Hobbit). A few classes have been added
to makeup for their glaring omission or just to fit some favorite playing styles.
A number of existing classes were also made playable just to provide more variety,
but no other changes were made to them. The standard Birthsigns have also been
modified to a certain extent.
Nerevar Say Nerevar v1.01
Removes the main quest from the game and makes Jiub the Nerevarine, who appears
to travel around Vvardenfell, telling stories about being the Nerevarine.
Chargen at Night v1.0
Starts the game at night for a different feel / atmosphere.
Meaner CharGen
Makes the intro on the Imperial Prison ship a bit livelier with more NPCs who berate you as you leave.
The Prison Ship Escape
Allows you find out about the location of the Imperial Prison Ship and rescue Jiub
the Dunmar, your fellow prisoner on board the ship at the start of the game.
Playing the game as a vampire
Note: An expanded list of vampire mods can be found
Chargen Vampire Birthsigns
Allows you to pick from the 3 vampire clans birthsigns, and become a vampire
at the start of the game.
Dark Lord Sigma's
Vampire Blood v1.1
Allows you to easily become a vampire by adding 3 vials of Vampiric Blood that once
drunk infects you with Porphyric Hemophilia, and thus turn into a vampire.
Vampire Realism v2.2 (+ Difficulty Enhancement, Game Additions)
Increases the �realism� for players playing as vampires and for non-vampire players
alike. New limitations and strengths for Vampires. All NPC
vampires are much stronger than they were in normal Morrowind. They
are now worthy adversaries that can only be killed by staking them.
Vampire Hunger III v1.2
Adds the need for blood to the vampire character. Without it the vampire
character becomes progressively weaken, but will not die.
Note: Requires Vampire Embrace and
is fully compatible with Vampire Realism.
Vampire Embrace v2.4
Allows you to have many of the abilities of the vampires of lore, from drinking
victims' blood, enslaving victims and creating thralls among its many features.
Kal Choedan's
Vampiric Levitation Fix
Makes it so that the power of Vampiric Levitation is correctly added to the player
when you become a vampire, and removed when (if?) you find a cure. Bethesda originally
intended that Vampires were supposed to be able to fly (a sort of limited levitation),
and the power was included but never was implemented in the game.
Vampire Dream Reduction v1.0
Reduces the chances of the player being awoke by the Vampire Dreams while resting.
Shaminar the Dragon's
Vampire Quest Repair v1.1
Fixes the dialogue of the vampire clan leaders so that many of their quests now
can be completed.
Vampire Doors Bugfix
Removes the red ring around the screen acquired when Vampire characters move inside
from the outside when taking sun damage.
AlienSlof & Peter's Vampiric Mods
Improvements or modifications on the game-playing features
NPC Tweaks
Healers v1.0
Game Tweaks
Blight Bounties v1.01
Gives you a small bounty for each blighted creature you kill. You can
collect the bounties from certain Temple representatives in a few places around Vvardenfell.
Morag Tong Writ Fix v1.1
Changes the writs so that they will bear the name of the persons they are for,
as well any info you get when you are first given the writ, saving time searching
through your journal to find the directions if you've forgotten. In addition,
the Morag Tong masters now take the writs back and pay you an extra reward for completing
the writ without needing to present your papers to the authorities.
*Marbred & Max Nobody�s
Death v2.2*
When you die you now become a spirit and are transported to a semi-random
location on Vvardenfell. You cannot interact with the NPCs.
You can't attack or use magic. You cannot access containers.
You can, however, fly and have the freedom to explore Vvardenfell. In
order to �return� to the game you have to find your corpse and reclaim your body.
Game play returns to normal, until you die another time.
there are reports of errors with this mod: being unable to reclaim your body
and returning to regular game play.
Marksman Enhanced v1.2 (+ Misc. Game Additions)
Adds new crossbow models/textures as well as tweaking the stats of the marksman weapons.
Enchanted Renaissance v1.0
A revamp of the enchanted rings, amulets and robes in the game, increasing their
enchantments and the number of their discharges. This is offset by making
them more rare in the game and by making the use of soul gems the only way to
recharge them.
Cloth Bracer mod (+ Game Bug Fix)
Changes the stats of the cloth bracers so that they can be used to get around the
unarmored bug which requires the player to be equipped with a small piece of armor
in order for the skill to take effect. Cloth bracers stats now
have a defensive value to 0, while their enchantment and durability have been
Mining mod v1.5
Gives the miner�s picks a purpose in the game. Raw glass, raw ebony,
diamond, and adamantium can now only be extracted with a miner�s pick.
A muck shovel is now required in order to extract muck. Adds picks and muck shovels
to several traders inventories.
Super 17�s Paper v1.2
Creates varying qualities of scroll paper, with varying enchantment
points, the highest with 60 points. Allows players to create their own magical
scrolls. Several merchant NPCs now sell the scroll paper.
Faster Walk
Increases your walking speed by 10%.
NOTE: Included as an option with Necessities of Morrowind (NoM)
Dreamers Awakened v1.0
Allows you to rescue the Dreamers that are stationed in the various Sixth House bases
rather than kill them.
Moon Sugar Enhancement v0.5*
Allows players with to sell Skooma and Moon Sugar to 'drug dealers'. Modifies
Skooma's alchemy properties and adds Refined Moon Sugar as a new ingredient/ narcotic.
Unboarable Rieklings
Riekling Raiders and their boars will no longer die simultaneously. Instead,
once they get down to about 45% health, the Riekling will fall off, and either
survive while the boar dies, or die while the boar survives.
Improved Cursed Items
Alters the "BILL MarksDaedraSummon" script so that a variety of creatures are
summoned when the offerings on the altars of Daedric shrines are stolen, not just
Dremora Lords.
Game System Overhaul
NOTE: These mods completely revamp the game in a many areas so read the readme
before deciding to add them to your game.
Morrowind Advanced v1.82 (+ Difficulty Enhancement, Game Additions)
Adds new creatures, dungeons, weapons and armor. Adjusts the leveled lists,
making it more difficult to find the powerful items.
Adventurers 3 v3.02 (+ Difficulty Enhancement, Game Additions)
Make numerous changes to the game for a more challenging game.
Game Improvements v9.0 (+ Game Bug Fixes, Tweaks)
Makes a wide range of changes to the game from changing skill increase rates
to balancing weapons and spells. Includes individual modules for those
wishing to specialize the changes.
Dialogue/Command Tweaks
Allows the player to apology to NPC to raise their disposition. The highest you
can raise their Disposition through these means is up to 35. After that you will
need to go back to Admiring, Intimidating, or Charming them.
Give Us Your Orders v1.3
Allows the player to make requests or give orders to some NPC based on their relation with the
player. Designed as a companion to Dracandros' Voice, but does not require that mod.
WC Picker�s
Imperial Leader v1.0
Allows you to issue orders to Imperial troopers once you attain the rank
of Imperial Knight Errand.
Dracandros� Voice Mods
*NOTE: there are reports in the forums of warping issues with companions for these mods. Gives Us Your Orders is known to conflict with the dialogue of many mods, preventing needed dialog/journal topics from appearing. This maybe true with all of these as well. A clean save is highly recommended before using these mods.
Game Enhancements
Visual, audio and gameplay enhancements/improvements to the game
NOTE: Excluded here are the numerous face and texture replacement mods available. A list of those and other mods can be found here. For those wishing to compare the different texture packs available, a side-by-side comparison is found here.
Signs and Banners
Authentic Signs: Inns and Taverns
Replaces the signs for the six Imperial taverns and inns found in Vvardenfell.
Each sign is unique and reflects the name and location of the inn or tavern it represents.
Textured Signs v1.0
Changes the road signs to include both English location names and their
correspondent daedric names in the sign.
Misty Moon's
Enhanced Signs & Banners
Replaces the original signs, banners & tapestry with enhanced and retextured ones
that mantain the original feel of the game.
Signs v1.0
Replaces the textures for the merchant and tavern signs as well as the signs for
the Fighters and Mages Guilds.
Vivec Canton Signs v1.0
A simple retexturing of the Vivec Canton signs to give each canton a distinctive
color for its sign and allow you to tell them apart. The Redoran, Hlaalu,
and Telvanni canton signs are in the colors of each of those factions.
Unique Banners and Signs v1.1
Replaces the banners and signs of 21 establishments across Vvardenfell
with unique, appropriate designs.
NF Signs Replacer v1.1
Replaces several of the in-game signs and banners with new ones.
Visual Enhancements
Scroll Upgrade v1.0
Adds more detailed textures for the in-game scrolls. Replaces two rare
in-game books and the rolled paper with new models. Six different icons for scrolls makes
locating scrolls easier to find in your inventory.
Infectious Moon�s
Soul Gems
Retextures NelothsMouth's original Soul Gems, making their appearance
more in keeping with the original textures.
Bottle Replacer v1.0
Replaces all the bottle meshes with better meshes and textures. The
models are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones.
All the bottles are reflection-mapped and translucent with pseudo
liquid inside the corked ones.
Miscellaneous Items Replacer v1.0
Replaces many of the misc items with new meshes and textures.  The; models
are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones.
Many objects are reflection-mapped and translucent with animated textures and particle effects.
Flask Replacer v1.0
Replaces the four flasks in Morrowind with new meshes and textures.  The;
models are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones.
Paper Retexture v1.0
Replaces the textures for the parchments, notes and plain paper sheets with higher
resolution ones.
Key Replacer v1.4
Replaces the game�s only two keys designs with 50 new key designs.
Sir Luthor's
A simple, but beautiful retexturing of the tools (probes, repair hammers and lockpicks).
True Gems v1.1 (+ Game Additions)
Replaces all the gems in the game with faceted, reflective versions. In addition,
it replaces the model for Ebony and adds two new gems - the Topaz and the Amythest.
Gauntlets, Bracers and Pauldrons v1.1
Changes all the standard gauntlets, bracers and pauldrons in the game from single
pieces into matching sets. This allows players to use the sheath, quiver
and clothing mods that use one of the wrists slots and not lose any armour rating,
nor any of the look. Each set has the same armor rating, price and
enchantment level as the two individual pieces used together would have.
Dimitri Mazieres'
Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer v2.0
(+ Game Tweak, Game Additions)
Changes the appearance of the Dark Brotherhood assassins' armor. The
appearance of DB armor differs (with appropriate higher stats) between the
different ranks of Dark Brotherhood assassins. Also add new weapons to
replace the original Dark brotherhood's arsenal.
Clear Glass Equipment *
Changes the solid textures of the glass weapons and armor so that they now contain
translucent blades and details. The Raw Glass ingredient now also has translucency.
Millinghordesman 's
Clear Ice Equipment
Changes the solid textures of the Ice weapons so that they now contain translucent
blades/spikes. The Raw Stalhrim ingredient now also has translucency.
Steel Broadsword Fix v1.0
Fixes the steel broadsword so that its appearance is not exactly the same as the
Imperial broadsword, and better matches the rest of the steel weapon set.
Khan Raider's
Weapon Collection v3.0 (+ Game Additions)
Changes the textures and meshes of most of the iron, steel, silver, dwemer and glass
swords and axes. Adds new maces, warhammers and sabres.
Better Books v1.0
Replaces all the old blurry book textures with sharp and more colorful textures.
Illustrated Book of Alchemy
Adds a beautifully decorated in-game book that contains general information on alchemy,
as well as an alphabetized list of all effects achievable through the craft and
the ingredients required to harness them. Ingredients are color coded
based on the region they may be found.
Guide to Replacer v1.0
Replaces all the "Guide to..." scrolls with an open version showing the map of the region.
Gold v.1.1
Replaces the original models and textures of imperial coins with a more
detailed and shiner texture.
Rob B.'s
Alternate Enchanted Item Icons v1.1
Changes the stock enchanted item icons to something a little more aesthetically appealing.
Meteors will now occasionally streak across the night sky. Meteor showers
happen on occasion as well.
Red Eyed Skeletons v2.0
Adds red color to the entire eye socket area of all the skeletons in
Morrowind. Does not change skeletons that use creature IDs other than
the original Morrowind IDs.
Mad DJ�s
New Fire Damage Effect v1.1
Adds new fire damage effect to fire-based attacks.
TLM - The Lighting Mod (Complete Version)
Makes extensive ambience and lighting modifications. Adds sneak modifiers
(for light levels and circumstances). Adds SneakEye spell.
Makes modifications to torch, candles and other lights.
Interior Daylight Plugin v1.0
Interior windows now glow based on the time of the day.
Mod Man�s WindowLights Full 2.0
Adds Atmospheric window lighting for most exterior windows on
Vvardenfell. Lights also go off during the daytime.
Illuminated Windows v1.0
Adds illumination to both interior and exterior windows and doors, with scripting
to turn them on and off during the day. Some exterior windows now have
randomized lighting to create the illusion of activity inside.
Light Based Sneaking Add-on v1.4
Makes the world much darker and makes lights actually look like they are a major source of
light in a cell. The dark version has all non-city cells with an ambient light
of 0.
Lights 300
Reworks all the lights in the game to be more colorfull, dynamic, magical and realistic.
For example, red candles now have red flames and give off red light. Merged with
True Lights and Darkness and
Light Based Sneaking.
Atmospheric Sound Effects v3.0
Adds new 220 sound effects, many randomly picked with random volume and pitch,
throughout the game�s environments.
3 ASE updates add new sounds to new environments,
including weather sounds to interiors.
Expanded Sounds v1.1
An alternative to
ASE, with
most of the sounds but with less intrusive scripting. Includes tweaks
to the weather.
Leon 'pancreas' Medado�s Sound Mods
Puma Man�s
Wilderness Sounds v3.0
Aerelorn�s Journal Enhanced
With a quill and inkwell, the Player is able to add his/her own notes into the journal
from within the game.
Shield Placer
Allows shields to be placed on walls, floors, doors, wherever, and stay that way.
Simply drop the shield in front of you, click on it, and follow the instructions.
Allows the player to rotate weapons, armor and miscellaneous items horizontally
and vertically in the game.
Maboroshi Daikon & Others' Item Manipulation Mods
Book Rotate v5.3
Patches v1.0
Rationalizing names for all of the games items so that they are more accessible both in
inventories and in the spell menu. Individualize patches allow for customization of the
Gravedigger v1.0++
Allows you to completely get rid of a corpse immediately without being weighted
down with whatever junk was on it. All you have to do is get close enough to a
corpse that you would be able to activate it, and hold down the apostrophe key
until it disappears. The corpse and its entire inventory will be removed from
your game.
NOTE: This mod is dependent upon Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE).
Rotate Enhanced++
Adds a special spell "- Rotate Enhanced" to the player's spell list.
Cast it on *any* inventory item in the game and a 'rotate-position-scale' menu will
appear. You may then adjust the position, angle and even size of the
object of your choice.
NOTE: This mod is dependent upon Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE).
Dialogue and Voice
Strip For Me
Allows the player to make a request for an NPC to disrobe. Those that love you,
gladly comply. Those that don't know you, or don't think much of you, will be
slightly offended, and the player is given a disposition penalty.
Alternate Messages v1.4
Changes many of the in-game messages making them more role-player
Persuasion Response Expansion v4.0
Adds a total of 703 new responses (some are quite comical) for when the player bribes,
taunts, or admires an NPC.
Nudity Greeting Expansion v1.0
Adds new nudity greetings for npcs. You will no longer just hear "Cover yourself!
Are you mad? Have you no decency?" Adds several random greetings that
will be given to the player based on the npc's disposition, and whether he/she is of opposite sex.
Almost all of the greetings are comical in some way.
Voice and Greetings v0.96
Enables greetings, sounds and responses that were shipped with the game, but not
used. Six esp versions.
How are you? v1.0
Adds the topic "How are you?" that appears on NPCs you'd already met in the game.
The topic has some 80 or so unique responses based on the NPCs disposition.
Skydiver�s Voice Add-on Mods
MrTS & Lord Gabryael's Voice Add-on Mods
Quest Fixes
Nathan Strong's
Morrowind Quest Fix v1.2.5
Fixes 21 Morrowind quests including the glitches that prevented the Player from becoming
the Arch-Mage (Mage's Guild) and the Archmagister (Telvanni).
Max Nobody�s
Quest Fixes
Fixes several of the quests: Sul-Senipul's Longbow Quest (Morrowind), Cloudcleaver
(Morrowind), Museum Of Artifacts (Tribunal), Airship (Bloodmoon)
Max Nobody�s
Tribunal Crimson Plague Quest Tweaker
Fixes the bug with the Crimson Plague quest, where you could not get the
right dialog after killing the rats.
Stephane Geney's
Ralen Hlaalo Quest Reward Fix
Eliminates the possiblity
of getting an unlimited amount of 1000 gold rewards from Nileno Dorvayn for completing
the Ralen Hlaalo murder quest. The reward is only given once now.
False Incarnate Fix
Fixes the bad journal entry for the Moon and Star portion of the False Incarnate Quest (Temple).
Golena Sadri Hidden Player Fix
Fixes a scripting bug in
the Golena Sadri quest (Tribunal) which in effect makes sneaking, Chameleon, and
Invisibility useless against Sadri. Now Sadri will no longer greet and attack a
player she cannot see.
Master Aryon Fix
Fixes a bug in the Milyn Faram quest given by Master Aryon so that he gives you
the scrolls he promises at the end of the quest.
Sadrith Haunting Fix
Fixes the Haunting in Sadrith Mora quest so that the dialoge topic about the
haunting ends without the Player having to kill the person that caused it.
Dandras Fix
Fixes a scripting bug in the Dandras Quest (Tribunal) that only allowed you to kill
the head of the Dark Brotherhood if you knocked the last 50 points of his life out
in a single strike. Failure to do so results in the game going into an infinite
loop (it hangs, repeating that NPCs dialog over and over again forever).
The Huleeya Fix
Fixes the problem of Huleeya not talking to you the way he should, and preventing
you from going any further to becoming a grandmaster for the Morag Tong.
Uupse Fyr Bug Fix
Fixes the missing dialog option concernng the guar-skin drum you find and bring
to Uupse in the Tel Fyr Corprusarium to "calm the inmates".
Hasphat's Books v1.0
Adds the four books Hasphat Antabolis recommends you buy at the end of his first
quest to Dorisa Darvel's shop.
Tribunal Quest Fix
Prevents the dialog/journal breaks if you did the Mazed Band Quest before the Journalist
(The Common Tongue) Quest, causing you to miss certain important topics ('whom you
may trust' and 'Plitinius Mero') when you are sent to talk Barenziah.
Devil Tanto Noncombat Fix
Fixes the Anareren's Devil Tanto quest so that the guard patrols the entire Mage�s
Guild rather than stand by the entrance, thereby allowing the player to use stealth
to steal the blade, rather than fight the guard for it.
Colony Spriggan Fix
Fixes a bug in the East Empire quest where you have to kill the spriggans in the
colony. If you kill the spriggans in the wrong order and remove the corpses the
quest will break and it will be impossible to complete. This fixes that bug.
Display Bug Fixes
Lee Matthias'
Female Ice Gauntlet Fix
Fixes the display bug that causes female characters wearing Ice armour gauntlets
to have their arms appear invisible while in 1st person mode.
Random Name's
Ring Texture Fix v1.0
Fixes the black ring textures to the colorful textures that Bethesda intended you to see.
Sinking Gondola Fix
Stops the 'sinking' gondolas in Vivec.
Light the Way v1.1
Gives the transport NPCs torches or lanterns, so they dont just stand out there
in the dark. The Caravaners (Silt Strider) get torches, the Shipmasters
and Gondoliers get lanterns (open torches on wooden boats aren't a good idea).
Left Gloves v1.0
Fixes the display bugs for several of the default Morrowind models. Flips
the icons and models of all left and right gloves, bracers, gauntlets, and pauldrons
so that you can them apart. No changes were made to the Tribunal or Bloodmoon models
BM Wolf Greaves Fix
Fixes the �ass-backwards� wolf greaves that came with Bloodmoon. They
now fit the right way.
Ebony Armor Fixes
Fixes the look of Ebony Armor, replacing the mismatched greenish texture of the
Ebony pauldrons with the regular "Ebony" gold and black textures.
Adds a stock texture to the previously untextured groin of the Ebony greaves.
Dialogue Fixes
Nerevarine Greeting Tweaks
Stops the Nerevarine greeting "e-e-excuse me sera...." from
blocking all the other Nerevarine greetings from occurring so that you get the
variety of Nerevarine responses that you were supposed to get.
Fast Eddie Fix
Fixes a dialog bug where Fast Eddie mistakenly doesn't do chores after the player becomes the Telvanni
Shiva7663�s Buoyant Class Fix
Corrects the Class information for the Buoyant Armigers so that they properly mention
their faction and rank in dialog.
Game Improvements/Fixes
Fixing aspects of the game that bug most players
Baratheon 79�s
Mournhold Teleportation Fix
Fixes teleportation between Mournhold and Ebonheart to be more companion friendly for
those who have favorite companions they want to take with them to Mournhold.
Modifies the two NPCs who offer travel back and forth so they will now provide regular
mage guild guide type transportation.
Fort Frostmoth Restoration
Restores Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim to its original glory when you complete the
final mission of Bloodmoon's main quest rather than being left partially destroyed
as it is in the original Bloodmoon.
Master Sam's
Mournhold Plaza Fix v1.0
Restores Plaza Brindisi in Mournhold to its former glory when you complete the main
Tribunal quest instead of leaving it ruined as it is in the original game.
No More 'Excuse Me, Nerevarine'
Makes dialog changes so that NPCs greet you with the �Excuse me, Nerevarine� line
only the first time they meet you after you have completed the main quest.
After that their greetings become normal.
NPC Move Command
Ever been blocked by a NPC standing in front of a doorway for too long? A 'move'
command will now be available in the topics list. If the NPC likes and respects
you enough, they will move out of your way.
Improved Followers v1.3*
Adjusts the scripting for several of the default Morrowind NPCs so that they will
be less likely to get �lost� when following the player. 3rd party companion
mod NPCs are not affected.
Intervention Plus
Adds Almsivi and Divine intervention destinations in places that were woefully
lacking them before.
Solstheim Undialog
Makes dialog changes so that the topic of Solstheim only appears in the
dialog of the NPCs in the western regions of Vvardenfell and the Imperial
Legion rather than all over Vvardenfell.
ManaUser and Wrye's
Less Lore v0.02
Adds "not local nolore" tests for a number of generic responses. These
changes will likely not be visible in the stock game, but will/should remove lore
from nolored characters, particularly companions and Morrowind Comes Alive NPCs.
Removes generic responses that the user is likely to already know, or
which is no longer relevant since the quest has been completed.
The Dark Brotherhood Attack v2.0
Dark Brotherhood attacks commence only after your character has gotten
enough political influence to come to the attention of the king such as being
named Hortator by at least one Great House.
Jintao�s Anti-Shock SFX Mod v2.0
Stops the 2X-volume bug (you hit
Take All or move and drop an object too fast, it takes the sound effect it's
supposed to play for that event and then does so twice, overlapping itself,
thus creating a 2X-volume sound effect) and decreases the sound volume for
certain combat events.
Fetus X�s Dark Brotherhood Assassins Fix
Changes the Dark Brotherhood assassins� equipment to match their level
and rank.
Puma Man�s
Passive Healthy Wildlife v 2.0
Changes most of the non-diseased animals to passive state in which they
do not attack unless attacked first or "bothered".
Magic Nakor�s
Shimmer Reduction
Reduces the "seran-wrap" look that the original enchanted items come
with to a nice shimmer.
Blue Dot Magic Icons v1.0
A simple tweak that changes
the large "blue swirl" icon that denotes magic items with a small bright blue dot in
the upper left corner.
Fashionable Merchants v1.0
All merchants who buy armor will no longer equip it when they do so.
Changes the entries for merchant and enchanter NPCs, and makes very small (invisible)
changes to the cells they inhabit.
Merchant Unequip v1.0
Makes it so that the merchants that buy armor to no longer equip the armor that
they buy. No more smiths disguised as Dark Brotherhood assassins!
Does not apply to the merchants added to the game by Tribunal and Bloodmoon, as
well as any third party mod.
Improved Shrine Journal Entries
Fixes and improves the journal entries for each of the Temple shrines.
No Greet
Changes the GMST value of iGreetDistanceMultiplier so that NPCs won't greet you
anymore when you only walk by.
Index Fix
Renames the 10 propylon indexes so that they are easier to find in your inventory.
Realistic Ashpits v2.0
Makes the ashpits a source for both Gravedust and Skulls. Be forewarned that the
Temple priests and Ordinators "frown" upon the ashpits being disturbed.
Hunt Cliff Racers to Extinction v2.0
Removes cliff racers from leveled lists after the player has killed two hundred of
them, simulating their being hunted to extinction.
Tribunal Realistic Ingredient Weights
Alters the weights of various alchemical components from Tribunal to be more consistent
with their Morrowind cousins.
Combat Angle Adjustment
Reduces the angle of attack from a 60 degree arc in front of the player to a 30
degree arc, thus reducing the chance of hitting companions while engaged in combat.
Drug Acceptance v1.0
Stops refused services when you are carrying narcotics (moon sugar and skooma).
Illegal Summoning v1.0
Makes it so that you can no longer stroll through town with a squad of summoned
creatures and no one bats an eyelid. Now guards will confront you if you have any
summoned creatures and demand a fine - paying it or not is up to you.
Petrus Octavianus'
Spell Fix v1.0
Sets all spells to not auto-calculate. This means that NPCs will cast only the
spells that are in their spell inventory. By default NPCs have access to all spells
set to auto-calculate, which means they can cast any spell if they have enough
magicka, regardless of their skills or class. Now NPC will cast spells that make
sense for their class and skills.
Adamantium Fix
Changes Adamantium weapons so that they are not subject to the normal
weapons penalty.
Weight Fix
Reduces the weight of many of the miscellaneous items.
Sadrith Mora Closed City v1.2
Makes Sadrith Mora an off-limits city to non-Telvanni, as it is frequently described
in game. You have to either join House Telvanni, or purchase Hospitality Papers
from the Gateway Inn to enter the city.
Rob B.'s
Lockpick & Probe Weight Fix v1.0
'Fixes' the weight of the picks and probes so that they are now below 1 unit of weight.
Plain Paper Fix
Single sheets of paper no longer weigh more than scrolls, and as much as
some complete books. You are no longer forced to read plain page in Scroll
context and then click on TAKE from the Scroll before it can be placed in your
Plain Paper Fix ckl v1.0
Makes it so the Player is not forced to "read" sheets of plain paper whenever it
is picked up. This version uses scripting rather than changing the
plain paper's ID to bypass the forced "read".
Game Utilities
External programs that extend and/or enhance the game�s features
Morrowind Enhanced (MWE)
An external utility used by mods to do things that would normally be impossible
using normal Morrowind scripting. MWE itself is not a mod, but is a required component
of others. Morrowind Enhanced.exe must be run concurrently with Morrowind.
Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE)
Another external utility used by mods to do things that would normally be
impossible using normal Morrowind scripting. MWSE is a required component of
some mods. Like MWE, Morrowind Script Extender must be run concurrently with
Alexander Stasenko's
Morrowind FPS Optimizer
An external program that improves Morrowind performance by adjusting its viewing
options (View/AI Distance) to keep a desired FPS range (customizable for exteriors,
indoors and combat). Supports N-Patch (TruForm) and the
Matrox Parhelia Surround Gaming System.
Morrowind Leveled List Merger v1.12
This tool allows you to generate a "Master leveled list" plugin that combines the
leveled lists from two or more mods. Because the game will only recognize
the leveled lists from the last mod loaded, this utility is essential when using two
or more mods that alter the leveled lists. Otherwise, you will lose the
many of the desired modifications to these lists and to the mods you are using.
This utility allows you to manage your active mods by changing their load order
and generating detailed conflict reports. In addition, it has several merge
functions for creating Master Lists.
Mash v0.78
Useful utility that manages your mods and saved games. Allows you to add and remove
mods without getting doubling/deletion problems. Fixes most broken reference problems.
Mental Elf's
TESFiles v3.04
An automated tool for tracking all files in a Morrowind Mod. Can be used for packaging or uninstalling a mod.
NOTE: requires Morrowind be patched to v1.6.1820 (Bloodmoon).
Alchemy Compendium v1.0
A program designed to quickly test ingredients and generate the resulting potion's
effects Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon ingredients are hard-coded
into the program and the list can easily add in modified/new ingredients from
custom mods.
Exe Optimizer v1.7
A CTD prevention tool, but will also give an fps boost if you have an intel processor.
NOTE: Requires .NET v1.1 Also for some users the application is extremely
slow. You may have to wait around 20 minutes in order for it to finish
its processes. The application DOES work, so please be patient.
Timeslip & others'
Enhances your game by allowing a greater number of graphic, sound, and input options,
including the option to enable 'Infinite View Distance'. It also interfaces with
MWSE to make even more functions available.
NOTE: Requires NET 2.0 and can be used with FPS Optimizer.
Empirical Morrowind�s Mod Wish List
Mod Project Ideas/Suggestions for the Community to make come true
NOTE: Presented here are ideas and working titles open to the community to explore and develop. Some may not be possible due to scripting limitations or the limits of the game engine itself. That's perhaps why they are currently only "wish" mods. One can dream, though.
Realistic Swimming (RS)
One of the major 'failings' of Morrowind is the ability of players to be able to go swimming while wearing a full suit of Daedric armor and/or while carrying a horde of weapons and other items. RS would impose a weight penalty (burden curse?) for players entering the water, thereby limited what they could carry while swimming. This would force players to strip down to an unarmored state (or light armor) and carry a minimum of weapons. Just like in real life. RS needs to incorporate one or more of the companion or pack animal mods (for inventory sharing). Also RS should force the Player to use spears or short blades in water by modifying the weapon skills. In real life slashing and chopping weapons would be useless underwater. Using a orcish warhammer on a dreugh underwater would, and should, be useless.
Note: Yacoby has fulfilled this "wish" here
Realistic Potions (RP)
Magical potions should be small vials, not the quart-size bottles as they appear now in the game. RP would simply resize the current potion meshes to appear smaller in the game and reflect a more realistic appearance.
Realistic Inventory (RI)
Another 'failing' of the game is the
ability for players to be able to magically pull a seemingly endless supply of rings,
potions and arrows, along with a couple of shields and half a dozen swords out of one's
'pockets'. In real life, one would find it really hard doing battle carrying more than
the armor on one's back, with maybe an extra long sword or shield slung on his/her back.
Maybe a dagger or two in the belt and perhaps a couple pouches of rings and other small
items. There several RPGs in which the player is limited in what he can carry. For example,
in Diablo one has a grid that one fills up with items and once full you can't
carry anything more. Any backpacker can tell you that weight alone doesn't determine what
you can carry. How much space an item occupies and how it has to be carried also determines
what you take with you and what you leave behind. None of this is accounted for in the game,
and has been one of its most glaring weaknesses.
RI would limit
what the player is able to carry by assigning "space" to two areas of the player's
character (the back and the belt) and would use the features of one of the portable
container mods. On the back the player would be able to carry a backpack, a quiver
or bedroll (for CM or NoM users) and either a shield or a single 'long' weapon (in a sheath).
For the belt area the player would be allowed to carry up to two daggers or tantos, a sheath
for a long or short sword, and two pouches. The backpack, pouches, sheath and quivers would
be portable containers that would be limited by the number and type of items they would be
able to hold rather than their weight. Pouches would be limited to a finite number of rings,
amulets, gold pieces, gems and other small ingredients (potions? Which cries out for
RP to be made).
For example, a hundred pieces of gold should be the limit for a pouch. The quivers would carry only
arrows and bolts and would be limited to 36 arrows and/or bolts. For throwing knives and stars
there would be 'bandoliers' that would be worn instead of the quivers, up to two, with a limit
of 12 stars and/or knives for each. The sheaths would of course hold only one blade and players
would be limited to carry three swords at any one time (one in his/her hands which
couldn't be sheathed). The backpack could carry the equivalent of whole full suit
of armor or that of dozen pouches or a finite number of other items. Items prohibited
in the backpack would be all 'long' weapons and shields. Players would still be limited
to the amount of weight they could carry as it is currently in the game.
Needless to say, limiting the available inventory for players would radically alter their playing style
and force them to make tactical decisions on what to carry with them into a tomb or dungeon, and limit
what they could carry out. Both the Bank
mod and the companion or pack animal mods would be essential mods to use with this one.
Note: given that no one in the community has addressed this issue before it may be that the scripting is a tad on the complex side of things.
Blood Feud (BF)
Currently players can wield their
weapons with little regard for who they strike down.
BF would
introduce penalties for killing members of factions and guilds. Whenever the player
kills a member of a faction or guild there would be a random chance that a blood
feud would be declared against the player. It doesn't matter if the player acted
in self-defense or not, there still is the chance a blood feud will be called (though
there is less of chance for self-defense). Factions like Morag Tong, Camonna
Tong and the Thieves Guild would be more likely to call a blood feud. The Imperial
Legion or Knights would have a near certain chance of declaring a blood feud if the
player killed one of their own.
The player would then face either a single assassin or team of assassins sent to
"even the score". Of course, killing the assassin(s) sent to dispose of the player
could generate another blood feud. There would also be the chance that the entire
faction/guild would declare the player an enemy and its members would attack the
player on sight until either the player is killed, or he/she makes amends to the
faction/guild, and the blood feud is declared at an end. Only leaders of factions/guilds
can call to the end of a blood feud. A truce would have to be declared and arranged
through an intermediator (perhaps Temple representatives?) in order for the player
to meet with a representative of the faction/guild and discuss how to make amends
Tough Justice, Hard Time (TJHT)
A realistic criminal justice system
would be introduced into the game and a feature from Daggerfall would return: trials.
Committing crimes would now have serious penalties. Guards would now be armed with
maces with paralyze spells and the player would have the same option of surrendering
or fighting to the death. Players, however, would not be able to pay fines to the guards, although
they could attempt to bribe the guards to gain their freedom. Failure at bribery would add to
the charges against the player. Once arrested the player is sent before the constable
in the local jail. TJHT
would introduce new jails in the cities and villages, two new Imperial forts on Vvardenfell's
east coast and the dreaded Blackmoth Prison (think
somewhere in the Molag Amur would be fitting). Players arrested on petty theft, bribery
or assault charges would be allowed to pay their fines and served their time in the local
jail. Jail sentences would be automatic, and players would be sent to a jail cell for
the allotted time. Player's magic skills and inventory would be disabled while under
arrest. Players would have the option of attempting a jail break. Failure adds to
the player's sentence. Success means that the player is now an outlaw and subject to
immediate arrest by the Guards.
Players charged with murder (3rd, 2nd or 1st degree) or grand larceny would be transferred
to the nearest Imperial fort or to Blackmoth Prison itself. There the player would be
arraigned and given the option of having an advocate (lawyer) argue his case for him or
defend himself. The trial would occur in a special courtroom cell before a panel of
three judges and the player would have two options before these judges: plead guilty or
plead innocent. If pleading guilty player would have the option (with random success)
of pleading to a lesser count. Use of the advocate increases the likelihood of the player
being able to negotiate his sentence. Advocates would be generate via the leveled list
like in MCA.
Some advocates will be highly skilled, others mediocre at best. Player's Personality and
Speechcraft skill level would determine whether he argues his case for himself, or uses
the services of an advocate. If the player pleads innocent, a trial occurs (possible use
of Dialog generated random events here). Outcome of the trial is random with the player's
luck also playing a factor. Players will be unable to access their inventory or use their
magically skills while under trial. If found guilty Player is send to Blackmoth Prison to
serve his/her time. Sentences would range from 180 days in prison to death. Killing an
Imperial or Royal Guard or an Ordinator recieves an automatic death sentence if found guilty.
Players sentence to death would be sent to the courtyard of Blackmoth Prison and would
stand on the scaffolds next to an executioner wielding a double-bladed axe (player's health
would be reduced to one and all player controls would be disabled). Player would be given the
option of saying any last words before the death sentence is carried out.
Mods to be incorporated into TJHT
would be Advanced Save System
(to prevent players from doing quick saves before commissioning their crimes),
Less Annoying Guards,
and Advanced Guards.
Other ideas for this mod would be to make disposing of the bodies of the player's victims a
necessity as their 'discovery' could generate an arrest warrant for the player. The longer
that a body lies around; the greater the chance of 'discovery'. Disposing of a body in the
cities or inhabited areas would generate a random chance of discovery and an automatic arrest
warrant. Another idea is for undetected player thefts to generate random 'discoveries' and
arrest warrants.
Moon Sugar and Skooma are supposed to be illegal in the game. Yet a player can walk around and deal great quantities of the drugs with little or not consequence, other than the occasional refused services. That in itself is ridiculous as how would a merchant know you were carrying say Moon Sugar unless you attempted to sell it? Iainbazca's Drug Acceptance addresses that issue, but creates another issue. If you attempt to sell Moon Sugar or Skooma to a merchant that doesn't accept Moon Sugar (and could be outraged that you attempted to sell it) nothing happens other than "I'm sorry, I don't want any trouble." Imperial Narcs would bring consequences to walking around with drugs on you as well as attempting to unload your stash on strangers. Special guards, called the Imperial Narcotics Police (INP) would appear from time to time in the cities and villages (and perhaps out on patrol in the wilderness), and using forced greeting would subject the player to a random "strip search" using a "GetItem" command in the dialogue. If the player is carrying any narcotics he would be declared a criminal and subject to arrest. When dealing with merchants the player would have to be careful who he attempts to sell his/her stash to. Drug Acceptance would be incorporated into IN and merchants would be given a special disposition toward drugs. Some will gladly take the drugs, others will immediately report the player to the authorities, and thus subject the player to arrest on sight by any guard. Even asking around about which merchants accept Moon Sugar and Skooma could land the player in trouble. Of course, members of the Thieves Guild and other underworld factions would be safe to ask. Going to the known and trusted dealer to unload you stash would not be risk free. There would be the occasional drug raid with teams of INP showing up. "Arrest everyone and ask questions later" is their motto. If the player is not carrying any narcotics then he is released. If not, he is arrested or fights the guards to escape. IN could be an add-on for Tough Justice, Hard Time.
The I.R.S. (Imperial Revenue Service)
Property taxes would be introduced
into the game. I.R.S.
would, of course, incorporate the Bank
mod or vise versa. Setting up residency in a house or manor that you have stolen
or "squatted" would now be costly. Imperial tax collectors (teams of two or three
very high level guards) would from time to time inspect dwellings and demand proof
of ownership. If you don't have the deed you will be declared a criminal and attacked.
You will have to pay fines and/or go to jail to clear your name. If you are the
rightful owner you will be required to prove that you have paid your property taxes
(1% of the home's value every six months). If you have not paid the amount require
you will be given ten days to do so, and will be declared a criminal and your home
seized if you do not. Property taxes would be paid to the bank branch managers
or the commanders of the Imperial forts.
Taking over caves, ruins and other hideaways would be less dangerous, but you would encounter
rogues, thieves, Sixth House members, and assorted creatures looking to set up residency as
well (using the leveled lists). And then there would be the occasional Imperial Legion patrol
who might mistake you for a criminal. This would give players the incentive to legally buy
their homes and not to lose their home's deed to say the least!
Lock the Doors and Post the Guards (LDPG)
One of the unrealistic features of the game is that the Player can acquire a vast treasure trove of goods and leave it essentially unguarded in a world whether the Thieves Guild exists. LDPG would require that the Player lock his doors when he leaves, or come back and find his nice comfortable home ransacked. But even locking the doors is no guarantee that an enterprising thief wouldn't break in. The level of the lock and if it was trapped would factor into the odds of a break-in as well as the Player's reputation and faction/guild membership. To further insure against thefts the Player would have to station guards to protect his hard-earned treasure. Again a single guard would not be total insurance against theft. More guards equal less possibilities for a thief as would locked and trapped containers. LDPG could also have a feature that would allow the Player to track down the thief or thieves, recover his goods and deal out justice.
Alternate Enchanted Item Icons
Animation Replacer
Beast Animation Replacer
Chargen at Night
Complete Trade Fix
Enhanced Stealth
Hasphat's Books
Improved Bartering
Indarys Manor
Morrowind Comes Alive
MCA CM Armory Add-on
MCA Names
PAX Redoran
Pursuit Enhanced
Racer's Roost
Realistic Ashpits
Sadrith Mora Closed City
Secret Masters
Spell Fix
Swimming Realism
Vivec - Redoran Compound
Water Life
Where are the Birds Going?
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] to report:
1.) Any broken or faulty links.
2.) Make suggestions for mods to include on this list
3.) Add an idea or suggestion for the Mod Wish List
You may also contact me at the TES Forums by sending a PM to:_Tarnsman_