Updated March 15th, 2007

As always, my thanks to Acid Basick for getting me started! Thanks to Jara and Baphomet too, from whom I borrowed heavily from in the beginning. Finally, thanks to the Morrowind Community for their recommendations, and especially its modders that constantly thrill and amaze me with their talent and ingenuity. This is for you.

WARNING!!! This is not a list of compatible mods. Some mods may and will conflict with others. Read the readmes and start small to avoid problems. Some of these mods still need to be "cleaned" of Evil GMSTs. Remember, -always- backup your files (Data Files, Save Games, and Morrowind.ini especially) before messing around with mods. Also, take note that some items on this list could be outdated the minute after I release the list. Be sure to check the date at the top of the page.

Those new to mods are requested to look over Ronin49's Starting Out With Mods for tutorials and such before downloading a bunch of mods and killing your game. I've made the attempt to list conflicts and provide ~NOTES~ below to better help people decide which mods to choose, but common sense goes a long way too. Also, note there are Tools for Mod Users available to help players use and integrate mods more easily into their game.

PART I covers plugins that change things in the game itself.

PART II contains plugins specifically for players' characters.

The mods highlighted below in green are new to the list.

The mods highlighted below in orange have been recently updated in the last month.

  • Better Bodies 2.2
    - Better Bodies for Humans, Elves, and Orcs. Comes in 3 styles: nude, permanent underwear, and the peanut gallery version for those "insecure adolescent boys" who want their women nude, but have something against male nudity. The newest version contains new textures made by Fariel and Erstam's seamless meshes (fixing the "seams" that appear on the models under certain lighting conditions, as well as a small hole in the armpit region).
  • Better Body Textures for Better Heads - Argonians by Silaria
    - Detailed Argonian bodies (new textures) for use with Better Argonian Heads. Works wonderfully with Bravo's Argonians (below) as well.
  • Sabregirl's Better Bodies for Beasts
    - Replaces standard Argonian and Khajiit bodies with a better bodies versions - but still beast. This isn't beastly features just using the standard better bodies meshes for beast races.
  • Shon's New Argonian Bodies 1.5
    - Replaces the segmented bodies with smooth deforming ones, similar to what better bodies does for the other races. It uses new meshes and new textures, so there aren't any seams between the feet, tail, and clawed hands like you would get with a mod that applies the better bodies mesh to the beast skeleton. It also optionally replaces the standard shirts and skirts with versions that do use the "Bip01 Pelvis" bone instead of the "Bip01 Spine" bone to improve the way they join with the bodies. Updates and clothing are being worked on. Follow along in the release thread. Screenshots!
  • Slof's Better Beasts
    - Replaces the beast races (Argonians and Khajiits), giving them Better Bodies and all-new entirely hand-painted textures. There are 3 esp files for you to choose from depending on your tastes. Read the readme for more info. Alternate Link

  • Creatures by PirateLord 9
    - Creatures expands the existing Morrowind creatures by adding different creatures to leveled lists so the player encounters a larger variety while adventuring. Most creatures are retextured versions based on existing Morrowind creatures, but there are a few new meshes so the mod size is small compared to some other creature mods. It also keeps the theme/feel of Vvardenfell by adding mostly Reptilian/Insect creatures (with some minor exceptions).
  • Morrowind Advanced 1.82
    - An updated version of the classic mod by Wormgod. Adds a number of new creatures to leveled lists, 2 new dungeons, and some new armor types. Fits in perfectly just as if it's an official expansion. Alternate Link
  • Sabregirl's Ecology of Morrowind 1.5
    - For starters, this mod adds new creatures to Vvardenfell and Solsthiem as appropriate. Cotton Tail Rabbits, Snowshoe Hare, Spotted Deer - Chital, Caribou, and Mountain Goats. Also, creates several Guar Herds that seemed to be lacking in areas. There's also several other tweaks and changes to the ecology, as well as several ESM options to choose from.
  • Water Life 1.11
    - This plugin adds (mostly) peaceful aquatic creatures to Morrowind's waters based on the wonderful models & textures by Cait Sith, Lady Eternity & Proudfoot, and Brash. Highly configurable so you can get the best results. Find out more info at abot's Website.
  • Where Are All The Birds Going? 1.9
    - This plugin adds (mostly) peaceful flying birds based on the wonderful models & textures by Lady Eternity & Proudfoot. Adds birds to Mournhold too! Find out more info at abot's Website.

    ~NOTES~ You'll need to merge most of these plugins for all of them to be added to the proper leveled lists if you choose more than one. To accomplish this, use TESTool or WryeMash found above under the "Tools for Mod Users" link above in the preface. Otherwise the only one you'll see in game is whatever leveled llist loads last. Also, if you want more creatures in your game (I've basically listed some of the larger creature packs), take a look at the Wildlife Mods list.

  • Astarsis' Replacer Packs
    - Astarsis' packs replace (or add) mainly Dark Elves and High Elves with a Basic Replace for some Bretons, Imperials, Nords, Redguards, and Wood Elf faces. Look for Dark Elves Female Beauty, Dark Elves Heroes, High Elves Female Beauty, Don Salus' High Elves Heroes, and the Basic Replace.
  • Barabus' Orcs
    - This mod replaces the default Bethesda orc heads with an all new set of higher quality models. They have been designed with Bethesda's "Half-Pig Man" concept in mind. Alternate Link
  • Beryl's Head Replacer v1.0
    - An NPC head replacer that combines Better Heads with custom heads from Emma's Redguard-Imperial-Breton Heads, Don Salus' Faces 1 and 2, Qarl's Hot Girls 1 and 2, Harvester's Dark Elf Heads, Khalazza's KP Multi-Race Face Pack, and Opethgirlie's Redguard Females Plugin. Includes Tribunal and Bloodmoon NPCs.
  • Better Heads 1.1
    - Well-made heads that replace every race except the Khajiit. Modular packs for each race so you can use them with other NPC Replacers if you so desire.
  • Bravo's Argonians 1.1
    - Contains 5 female heads with 6 female hairstyles and 5 male heads with 8 male hairstlyes (5 of which are specific to one head each). All hairstyles match up and 2 vampire heads (1 of each sex) are also included. This mod runs best with Silaria's Argonian Body Texture Replacer found above under Body Replacers.
  • Changing Faces NPC Replacer 1.1
    - Takes faces from nearly every face pack currently out there and individually replaces a large variety of NPCs including the guards. Not many clones walking around at all in this one. You can also pick up the Changing Faces NPC Replacer: Official Add-On that changes the Sixth House cultists and Vampire Heads.
  • Khajiit Faces Replace
    - This is an NPC face replace mod for Khajiits, using faces by Detritus. It changes the looks of many Khajiits in the game. Requires "Khajiit Faces" found on the same page.
  • NPC Replace 3.5
    - An old favorite. Works pretty well with Astarsis' packs too.
  • Unique Heads I - Balmora
    - Gives most of the people in Balmora a makeover, giving them "unique" heads. No more twins! Works well with Better Heads, just make sure this one loads last.
  • Vvardenfell Visages Volume I
    - A pluginless replacer consisting of meshes and textures to replace the original default Morrowind heads and hairs, to include both the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions. Covers Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Imperials, Nords, Orcs, Redguards, and Wood Elves with alternate packs for the Orcs and vampire heads. Uses hairs and faces from the likes of Gorg, Ren, Rhedd, UQForgotten, and Westly among others. Alternate Download
  • World of Faces
    - Replaces about 650 heads (around 1 in 5 NPCs) of all races with new unique heads. Hand placed so head and hair styles match.

    ~NOTES~ All of these plugins may be used together, but it's not recommended (nor really needed) unless you're comfortable with mods and load orders. Also, most of these face replacers (with the exception of "Unique" Heads) make the heads available to the player to choose for their characters at race selection.

  • Adventurers 3
    -This plugin modifies Morrowind to make the gameplay more challenging, the enemies more intelligent, the economy more balanced, and to change some details to make the game more fun. There's a Super Adventurer's 3 also that combines this with a few more plugins on the same page. Check 'em out and see which one fits your needs.
  • Better Solstheim Creatures
    - Makes a series of nice little tweaks to balance the creatures on Solstheim. They make a lot of sense.
  • BigMod2
    - Changes nearly everything in the game for an entirely new playing experience.
  • Complete Trade Fix 1.8
    - Tweaks Morrowind Traders and what stock is available for them to sell. Pawnbrokers and General Traders now have a chance of having rare/valuable items, so it's always worth paying them all visit during the game. In addition, Silt Strider and Ship travel services now have items to barter. There are also some leveled list changes (very minor) and Tribunal ingredients will start appearing in Morrowind.
  • Failure based progress Caps Remover by Jinil
    - Learning based on the character's failure instead of success with skill cap remover. Some hightlights: All skill progress counts for level. Combat skills & magic skills raise with failure only. Stats can be trained, but don't help the character level. For each level, you have 3 x 1 tokens to spend on your attributes. Level requirement is 12 skill progress. Starting a new game is better, but not required. Comes in French too!
  • Galsiah's Character Development 1.08
    - GCD changes Morrowind's leveling system to make it seamless. Limits are removed from skills and attributes, and skill gain is slowed down exponentially to preserve game balance. Skills influence attributes, health and magicka directly. Characters remain diverse throughout the game, with strengths and weaknesses dependent on initial skill choices, skill increases and racial factors. Lots of little extras in this one.
  • LDones' Balancing Mods and Wakim's Game Improvements
    - Look down past the Illuminated Order for things like "Thief Experience Overhaul," "Armor Effects," "Dodge Mod," and "Wakim's Game Improvements."
  • MADD Leveler
    - Changes the leveling sytem and offers a cap remover for stats. Numerous ESP options.
  • Marksman Enhanced 1.2
    - Tweaks bows and crossbows so they're more realistic, as well as adding a few more crossbow types across Vvardenfell. A nice little addition for those that don't want to go over the top with other Marksman mods.
  • Necessities of Morrowind 2.1
    - Eat, drink and be merry! Or just get smashing drunk. Includes a version of Improved Inns plus a whole lot of other good stuff. Be sure to read the readme for more. There's also a Comapatiblity Pack that might interest modders who want to add NOM to their own landmasses. Check out Taddeus' Balanced Weapons, Armor and Objects while you're there too. It balances all the stuff in the game plus has a version that includes some of the more popular mods available (there's a myriad of new addons for existing mods as well nowadays).

    ~NOTES~ Obviously several of these tweak the same thing, albeit differently. Also, many of them require you to start a new game and don't take well to being removed in the middle of a game. Choose wisely Grasshopper. For more Balancing and "Realism" mods in general, take a look at Tarnsman's Empirical Morrowind, a list that indeed rivals this one.

  • Beds for Rent
    - Adds previously missing rentable beds and publicans to the towns of Dagon Fel, Gnisis, Suran and Molag Mar. You will find that End of the World Renter Rooms, Madach Tradehouse, Suran Tradehouse, St. Veloth Hostel and Pilgrim's Rest now provide lodgings for weary travelers, making it easier to find a proper place to rest. Alternate Link
  • Bloodmoon Ammo Fix
    - Annoyed at only finding one arrow, bolt, or thrown weapon in Bloodmoon? Srikandi was too, so she changed the increments to 5, 10, 15, and 20.
  • Fort Frostmoth Restoration
    - After you've finished the Bloodmoon Expansion, have you ever wanted to restore Fort Frostmoth? Well now you can. This mod restores the partially ruined Fort Frostmoth. Remember, only use this after you've completed the Bloodmoon Expansion and want to restore the fort to its pristine condition.
  • Lurlock's Left Gloves
    - Flips the icons and models of all left and right gloves, bracers, gauntlets, and pauldrons so that you can tell them apart. Morrowind only, Tribunal and Bloodmoon weren't touched.
  • Mournhold Plaza Fix
    - After you've finished the Tribunal Expansion, have you ever wanted to restore the Brindisi Plaza? Well now you can. This mod restores the Ruined Plaza Brindisi. The Fountains will now work like before the attack, the statue is whole again, etc. Also, there is now a different way to get into the Dwemer Ruins (see readme for more details). Remember, only use this after you've completed the Tribunal Expansion and want to restore the plaza to its pristine condition. Alternate Link
  • Nymeria's Mage Guild Fix
    - Fixes an error in Sadrith Mora Mages' Guild, where the potions' chest was not assigned to Tusamircil, the alchemist, but to another character. It also adds a Supply Chest to the Caldera Mages' Guild.
  • Plain Paper Fix
    - Annoyed you have to read plain paper and then take it? Infuriated paper weighs more than scrolls and as much as some books? This mod fixes all that. Simple, yet effective.
  • Text Patch v1.3
    - Fixes errors in all manner of dialogue, journal, subtitles, books, activators, scripts, NPC and creature names, weapon and other item names, menus and game feedback, and more. Latest version works well with the Unofficial Morrowind Patch but there are some "duplicate" fixes that will show up as conflicts even though they probably aren't.
  • VGreetings by The Other Felix
    - Enables greetings, sounds, and responses that were shipped with the game, but not activated. Conflicts with the Unofficial Morrowind Patch at the moment to where some stuff still might not show up in game.
  • Unofficial Morrowind Patch 1.6.3
    - Probably fixes 99% of the bugs that haven't been officially patched. I've yet to run across the other 1%. Doesn't fix spelling errors in books for aesthetic reasons. Get the Text Patch if you want that. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon, although there is a Unofficial Morrowind Patch - Morrowind only version available.

    ~NOTES~ Some of these, like the Ammo fix and Plain Paper fix aren't true fixes (you're game isn't broke if you don't use them), but they sure help my sanity. Just like above, for more Game fixes and Tweak mods in general, take a look at Tarnsman's Empirical Morrowind.

  • Blood and Gore
    - Player characters, NPCs, and creatures will now bleed. Gore level configurable by spells and every aspect of the mod is configurable via simple console commands. Alternate Link
  • Bloodmoon Extras
    - Adds a few things that were included in the expansion, but didn't appear in the game.
  • Disturb the Dead 3.31
    - There's a 25% with this mod that the character will disturb the dead when they look in urns or barrow chests. There's also a chance you'll find more than just bonemeal. And finally there's a chance the dead will label the character a "Gravedigger" if the character disturbs too many urns/barrow chests and will start disturbing the character in turn. Alternate Link
  • Drug Realism
    - Adds realism to the way Traders handle drugs. They will Barter with you if are carrying drugs, but if you sell them drugs, as soon as you end the conversation, they will call the guards, and your bounty will increase.
  • Enemy Hand-to-Hand Damage
    - Enemy punches will now do health damage instead of fatigue damage. A great compliment to Combat Enhanced.
  • Fashionable Merchants 1.0
    - Tired of merchants putting on the armor you sell them and then not offering it for sale later on? Get this and your troubles are over.
  • Healers
    - "You're hurt. You should see a Healer." Now there's Healers to actually go see... Alternate Link
  • Improved Cursed Items
    - This simple mod alters the 'BILL_MarksDaedraSummon' script that is attached to certain items placed upon the altars of Daedric shrines around Vvardenfell. Normally, picking up the items will spawn a Dremora Lord behind you, which gets really boring after a while. With this mod enabled, picking up the items will now spawn one of the following: Daedroth, Dremora Lord, Flame Atronach, Frost Atronach, Golden Saint, Hunger, Ogrim Titan, Storm Atronach, or Winged Twilight.
  • Improved Inns
    - Rent Rooms for more than one day now. And no more renting a room and staying in it forever you squatter.
  • Less Generic NPCs
    - Tired of getting the same ole dialogue when talking to NPCs? Well you're in luck if you're in Ald Velothi, Khuul, Maar Gan, Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, Ald' ruhn, Pelegiad, Tel Mora, and some Vivec cantons. There's ones for Seyda Neen and Indarys Manor too. And now there's LGNPC Pax Redoran that fleshes out all the members of House Redoran. These small downloads give the NPCs of these towns unique dialogue, making your Morrowind travels less static. Also a few quests are included and it should be noted that these mods don't interfere with quests already in the game.
  • Living Cities of Vvardenfell
    - Gives NPCs schedules, locks doors at nights, and generally makes Morrowind more realistic. Conflicts with Lock Bash Enhanced. It's also relatively hard to remove, so be sure you want it before you download and install it.
  • NPC Move Command
    - Have NPCs ever stood infront of a doorway for too long? A 'move' command will now be available in the topics list. If the NPC likes and respects you enough, they will move out of your way.
  • Passive Healthy Wildlife
    - Changes the attack settings of most non-diseased animals into a much more passive state in which they will not attack unless attacked first or "bothered."
  • Printing Press
    - Places 4 printing presses in the game in logical places for more realism. Alternate Link
  • Small Improvements
    - Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attacks and Silent Character Generation. Two mods that make playing the game less annoying. Delayed attacks puts off the DB until a more proper time and Silent Character Gen let's you make a character without clicking through all the message boxes for the hundreth time in the beginning.
  • Tribunal Integration
    - Adds the new stuff found in Tribunal to Morrowind, integrating the expansion for more seamless play.

  • Avenger's Female Armor Pack 2.0
    - Adds female versions to all armors found in Morrowind and the Tribunal expansion. Don't use this if you're using the "Domina" style armor replacers.
  • Avenger's Female Shirts Pack 2.0
    - Adds female versions of all common/expensive/extravagant/exquisite shirts in Morrowind.
  • Better Daedric Armor
    - Changes the models for Daedric Armor to BB 2.x compatible versions.
  • CanadianIce's Customizable Robe Replacer
    - Replaces all the female robes using Hurdy Gurdy's meshes -and- replaces the enchanted and unique male robes to match. In the updated version, you get to choose a basic replacer using NioLiv's meshes or HurdyGurdy's meshes (used for the original robe replacer mod) and download seperate files to replace the individual robes of your choice for even greater customization. Thanks CI!
  • Canadian Ice's Divine Armor Madness
    - Replaces the Female Glass Cuirass, Female Ice and Nordic Mail Cuirasses, Female Steel Cuirass, and Female Wolf and Snow Wolf Cuirasses with ones that uses the "Domina" mesh.
  • Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer
    - Replaces the Dark Brotherhood Armor using parts of Joel Braddock's (a.k.a. Mantodea) J-Ninja meshes, along with a couple of Bethesda's original DB armor pieces, and Niero's Ashlander hood. None of the original DB armor statistics have been altered. All that was done was replace the relevant meshes and textures, as well as adding the mask to the NPCs inventory. Male and female versions of the armor are included as well as alternative texture sets so that you can further customize the look of the Dark Brotherhood. There's also a Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer - Expanded which includes the original armor replacement for the DB armor (and alternate textures), plus new weapons to replace the DB's arsenal, a whole new look for Dandras Vules(the head of the DB) including new armor, physiqued cape and a unique face, plus a recolored version of Vagabond Angel's Hissyo Katana. And if that's not enough, you can also download Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer - Expanded with Ranks that includes the same material as the Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer - Expanded mod, but with different colored armors (with proper stats) for the different ranks in the organization.
  • Divine Domina parts 1-5
    - Female domina versions of the in-game armors. Note that Part 4 and 5 have some male versions too.
  • Ebony Armor Fixes
    - Fixes the look of Ebony Armor by changing the color of the pauldrons to the regular "Ebony" gold and black, adds a stock texture to the previously untextured groin of the Ebony greaves, and changes the color of the ground meshes which like the pauldrons had a greenish tint.
  • House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style
    - This mod is primarily a (Better Bodies) nudity replacer for Helviane Desele and her employees in the House of Earthly Delights in Suran. All outfits are also buyable through a vendor that has been added to the same area. NioLiv also provides an alternate ESP that adds only the vendor. For beast races, the Khajiit veil and baggy pants require either one of Better Beasts or Better Bodies for Beasts. Alternate Link
  • Ordinator Armour Replacer 1.2
    - Replaces the Indoril Armor with a stylish black and gold set. There's a female version of the armor, open-faced helms, and 2 standard esp options to choose from with a third esp possibility that adds another set of the armor. Alternate Link

  • Alternate Enchanted Item Icons
    - Replaces the blue swirl icons for magic items with a much more elegant icon. Alternate Link
  • Barabus' Fireplace Replacer v2.0
    - Replaces/adds a number of new fireplaces (meshes and textures) to the Imperial settlements of Morrowind. Alternate Link
  • Better Books for Morrowind v1.0
    - The Better Books mod replaces all the old blurry book textures with sharp and more colourful textures. There is also an optional ESP which changes the Alchemist's book to a more "realistic" look. Alternate Link
  • Book Jackets - Morrowind Book Jackets - Tribunal and Book Jackets - Bloodmoon with Alternate Covers and Patch plus a Book Placement Fix and Book Jackets Patcher 1.02
    - Gives all the books in the game unique covers you can read without clicking on them. Open books are readable. Open ledgers show images of real ledgers. Each book also has a matching icon. An alternate Book Rotate ESP is included for Morrowind and the expansions. The alternate covers and patch correct a few meshes and gives alterante textures for "Special Flora of Tamriel", "The Book of Daedra" and "The Firmament". Get the Patcher for saved games. The Book Placement Fix corrects the books in the game which were originally upside down. Definitely worth all the downloads.
  • Bottle Replacer
    - Replaces the 15 bottle meshes in Morrowind with better meshes and textures. The models are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones. All the bottles are reflection- mapped and translucent with pseudo liquid inside the corked ones. Note: It looks much better in-game than in the screenshots. The reflection maps don't turn out well in screenshots. Alternate Link
  • Classical Monsters Replacer
    - Replaces 12 of the original monster textures with enhanced ones to make 'em look better. Monsters replaced are the Nix hound, Kagouti, Cliff Racer, Winged Twilight, Ogrim, Daedroth, Ash Zombie, Ash Slave, Ash Vampire, Golden Saint, Slaughter Fish and Mudcrab.
  • Daedric Weapon Enhancer
    - Replaces the daedric weapons with glow and reflection-mapped versions. High-res textures are also in use. GhostNull strikes again with a a very nice replacer. Best used with the No-Glo mod below. Alternate Link
  • Ebony Weapon Enhancer
    - Replaces the ebony weapons with reflection-mapped versions. High-res textures are also in use and some models are higher poly, but nothing that will slow your game down. Best used with the No-Glo mod below.
  • Enchanted Icon Selection v1.1
    - Tired of the little blue swirl making it hard to see what that magic item is? Try this. It gives you 5 different sets of icons to choose from that aren't as obtrusive.
  • Enhanced "Guide to..." Scrolls
    - This plug-in replaces all "Guide to..." scrolls with opened versions.
  • Flask Replacer
    - Replaces the four flasks in Morrowind with better meshes and textures. The models are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones. Alternate Link
  • Frostball Improved and Illusionbolt Improved
    - Small little mods that replace some spell visual effects to include Frostball, Light, Bind, and Nighteye spells. Several versions and options to choose from.
  • Funky's Crosshairs
    - Adds a great selection of new styles and colors of game crosshairs to choose from.
  • Gem Replacer by Vagabond Angel
    - Replaces the soul gems and ingredient gems in game with shiny versions. All the new meshes are 20% transparent and have coloured reflection maps to simulate sparkling gem facets.
  • Glass Weapon Enhancer
    - Replaces the glass weapons with translucent and reflection-mapped versions. High-res textures are also in use and some models are higher poly, but nothing that will slow your game down. Best used with the No-Glo mod below. Alternate Link
  • Hendalf Gold 1.3
    - Replaces the original models and textures of Imperial coins with the better ones. One side has a dragon while the other has the face of Tiber Septim. If you like "shiny" gold, this is the mod for you.
  • Imperial Guards anticlone
    - Now you won't see the same Imperial guard over and over again. Randomized for even better effect.
  • Improved Magic Shimmer Effect - Reduced Intensity Version by TCLord
    - A new improved magic shimmer effect replacement for Morrowind. I think it looks more like the item has electric arcs dancing over it sort of. Like it's crackling with energy. This one is my personal favorite when I'm not using No-Glo, but maybe my favorite isn't yours, and let's face it, there's a lot of different Magic Shimmer Effect mods available.
  • Key Replacer 1.4
    - Replaces almost all the keys (and icons) in the game with 50 new meshes by Daduke. Wolfram went through and assigned which key mesh would replace what, making this the best key replacer yet.
  • Map Marker Mod
    - Replaces those not very readable small circles shown for detections with prettier letters (a red "A" for the detection of Animals/Creatures, a blue "E" for Enchantments and yellow "C" for Keys). Also, the cross used by the "Mark" spell is replaced by a pretty white "M", and all the squares of annotation like Note (note-taking on the map) by "N".
  • Miscellaneous Items Replacer
    - Replaces a lot of the misc item meshes in Morrowind with better meshes and textures. The models are the same size, shape and position so they seamlessly replace the old ones. Many objects are reflection- mapped and translucent with animated textures and particle effects. Alternate Link
  • Morrowind 2006 by Neloth's Mouth
    - Replaces most of the miscellaneous models, containers, and ingredient models in Morrowind. Missing some icons and the like as the mod is a bit unfinished. A great resource nonetheless for those who are mod savvy.
  • New Blood
    - Adds 5 new blood types to the Morrowind game engine, allowing for a greater diversity of hit effects among game creatures. There are two esp files included that reassign various creature blood types for Morrowind and both expansions.
  • No-Glo Revisited
    - Completely removes the plastic shimmer wrap effect from magic items.
  • Oblivion Septims
    - Replaces the gold in the game with gold based off the Oblivion coin.
  • Oriental Weapon Replacer pack
    - Replaces the original models of dai-katanas, katanas and wakazashis. Comes in steel, silver, ebony and daedric variations. Also changes the models of the Goldbrand and Bluebrand katanas, which are now textured according to their names with gold and blue blades respectively.
  • Particle Arrow Replacer 3.0
    - Replaces all the original enchanted arrows and bolts from the game with particle effect versions. Will not affect self-enchanted arrows or bolts, though. Also includes a new .esp file for the Bethesda's original Area Affect Arrow mod to utilize the new particle arrows.
  • Potion Upgrade v1.3
    - New bottles for all potions. Some are metal or glass with bubbles, some are ceramic or clay depending on their value. 6 colors per bottle to denote Schools of Magic. Potions have been renamed to sort in inventory by type instead of value like the Potion Sorter' mod. 'Bargain potion of Burden' is now 'Burden, Bargain'. Alternate Link
  • Scroll Upgrade v1.1
    - New scroll models to replace all original scrolls. Now there are five different models to differentiate scrolls by value. Wood, Ceramic, Silver, Gold, and Jeweled. Also include 2 new rolled paper models and scrolls for maps, ect...Screenshot
  • Sharpened Models: Weapon Replacer
    - Replaces all the weapons in the game with sharper images. Alternate Link
  • Silverware Enhancer
    - Replaces the standerd in-game silverware items with reflective and higher-poly versions. Higher-res textures included. Really makes a dramatic improvement. Includes reflective and higher-poly Silver Candlesticks. Also updated the textures a little so they shouldn't be as bright now in well-lit areas.
  • SirLuthor's Tools
    - Replaces the textures for lockpicks, probes, and armorer's hammers. Sharper images, deeper color!
  • Soul Gem Replacer Retextured
    - This plugin is a retextured version of NelothsMouth's Better Soul Gems replacer to make them closer to Bethesda's colors, such as Azura's Star is blue again instead of red. Screenshot included in the download. The plugin is packaged as an esp so that NelothsMouth's mod isn't needed. In fact it should be unchecked/not used as it will conflict.
  • Souly Soulgems(!)
    - Replaces the soulgems in Morrowind with pretty versions true to the original design. Screenshot
  • Texture Freak's Replacers
    - Beautiful beds. Fabulous fireplaces. Realistic longboats. And now there's a Mournhold Sewer Replacer as well. Get 'em all.

  • Authentic Signs: Inns and Taverns 1.1
    - Replaces 6 signs for Imperial Inns and Taverns across Vvardenfell. Load this one after Unique Banners and Signs below if you want to use both.
  • Daedric Signposts
    - Replaces the signposts using the Daedric font for realism. They're color coded for the Houses and Imperials and after awhile they're pretty easy to read too.
  • Faylynn's Signs and Banners
    - Replaces the vendor signs and banners in the game. Most fitting! Alternate Link
  • Metallic Signposts
    - Makes the roadsigns all over Vvardenfell readable and gives them a nice metallic, weathered and rusty look. Alternate Link
  • Mixed Signposts
    - Replaces the unreadable default roadsigns with ones you can read in both English and Daedric fonts.
  • Real Signposts
    - The original signpost mod. Makes signposts readable without sticking your snout up to 'em.
  • Textured Signs
    - Retextures the signs with a more varied appearance using different wood textures and colors to give each sign look a little more unique and weathered look. A screenshot is included so you can see what it looks like. There's also a Textured Signs - Neutral version.
  • Unique Banners and Signs
    - Replaces 21 banners and signs all across Vvardenfell with unique, appropriate designs.
  • Vivec Canton Signs
    - Gives each canton a distinctive color for its sign, color-coordinated for the Houses as well. Alternate Link
  • Vivec Signposts
    - This plug-in was designed to help navigate the almost identical cantons of Vivec. Now there are signposts to every canton at every bridge between the cantons. The signposts were placed in a way that should not interfere with other plug-ins or movement.
  • Weathered Signposts
    - Retextures readable signposts to make them look "dirty" (and colors) if you don't like the clean look of Real Signposts.

    ~NOTES~ Choose only 1 of the 6 (Daedric, Metallic, Mixed, Real, Textured or Weathered) Signpost plugins.

  • Flora Glow
    - Replaces the original Bethesda models for Morrowind's luminous flora with versions of the same models that have been glowmapped, giving each individual plant its own true luminosity. The plants replaced are: Luminous Russula, Draggle Tail, and Violet Coprinus. Alternate Link
  • Forests of Vvardenfell
    - Combines four new tree model / woods placement mods by Dracus, Jdooby, Lady E, Ndib with Ayse's new textures for them and fixes some clipping issues. Also adds a few new things here and there that were not in any of the original mods (check out the road from Seyda Neen to Vivec).
  • Green Morrowind
    - The Ashlands, Molag Amur, and Red Mountain regions are now green! Grass, shrubs and some trees added.
  • Leafy Morrowind
    - Replaces nearly all the original Morrowind trees with community made models.
  • Forested Morrowind
    - Picks up where Leafy Morrowind (which you must have installed to use) left off. Dense forests and even more trees.
  • More Trees and Foliage
    - Adds over 800 trees to the Bitter Coast region, Ascadian region, and the Grazelands. Two different foliage versions to choose from.
  • Rainforests of the Bitter Coast
    - Makes the swamps of the Bittercoast a thick, swampy forest.
  • Retextured More Trees and Foliage
    - Rahuu updates More Trees and Foliage (which is needed for this mod to work) using the textures from the Morrowind Visual Pack. So if you like MVP and want yet more trees, get this update too.
  • Seasons 1.02
    - Makes weather and trees around Vvardenfell change corresponding to seasons. High end machine needed. Also, this mod might conflict with other mods that remove trees for their location since those trees will reappear when the seasons change. I suggest using this as a stand alone tree replacer.
  • Vibrant Trees
    - Adds Vibrant Trees by skydye (based on Skyfire's More Trees and Foliage) that goes well with Vibrant Morrowind.

    ~NOTES~ Leafy/Forested Morrowind and Seasons will conflict with each other (and overwrite the Morrowind Visual Pack Nature update textures) as they all replace the original trees. The other ones adding more trees or forests should be fine with one of the aforementioned mods. Furthermore Green Morrowind is part of a WIP called "A Tale of Twelve Houses" (along with Leafy/Forested Morrowind) which takes place 1000 years in the future, so it's not purist friendly. Nice for making Red Mountain green after you defeat Dagoth Ur though.

  • Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul by Slartibartfast
    - Remodels and retextures the island of Solstheim with the emphasis heavily on photo-realism. Updates to be ongoing for the immediate future.
  • Carnajo's Texture Replacers
    - Adds 3 different Hlaalu retextures (Green Marble, Red Marble, and Yellow Marble) to choose from plus a Redoran set, an Imperial set, a Telvanni set, and a Vivec set. If using these with other Visual Packs, make sure to install this one last.
  • Clavis' Indoril Texture Replacer
    - Retextures the Indoril/Mournhold buildings and interiors. Screenshots
  • Darker Morrowind v4
    - Here's a darker version of Morrowind, which not only replaces numerous textures with very detailed ones, but also changes lighting aspects and weather. Not for the feint of heart. Warning #1: The initial offering is a huge download, weighing in at 164 MB. Warning #2: You're going to need a machine up to running these textures as they are highly detailed.
  • Detritus' Redoran Retexture
    - Retextures that replace the original textures of the Redoran buildings in Ald'Ruhn, Maar Gan, ect. Doesn't affect the giant crab shell in Ald'Ruhn.
  • Fantasy Color Morrowind
    - Brash has colored the world (and almost everything in it). Literally. This one is less graphic intense. There's screenshots there to check out to see if you like it. Also, check out her "Land Patterns" and "Balmora S'mores" mods while you're there too.
  • Faylynn's Retextures
    - Lots of retextures here. I particularly like the Daedric, Natural Stone Hlaalu, Opulent Hlaalu, Redoran, Regal Mournhold and Velothi ones. The newest is Mournhold the Emerald Green City. She's also released a nifty peachware retexture recently.
  • Hi-Res Telvanni Textures by Plangkye
    - A hi-res texture replacer for Telvanni achitecture that stays very true to the original Bethesda textures with the exception for one of the wall textures, which has a different pattern of holes.
  • Jarrod's Texture Replacer 1.5
    - This mod is a retexture mod that replaces almost all of the ground textures and some wall, floor, wood, and item textures. This is the "Full" up-to-date version. Jarrod has also done a Bloodmoon Texture Replacer that looks quite good.
  • Kel's Hi-Res Hlaalu Retex Pack
    - Replaces all Hlaalu textures (i.e Balmora) with new high resolution ones. Provides sharper, more detailed textures, whilst preserving Bethesda's original design as much as possible.
  • Korana's Texture Replacers
    - Fantasy Castles, Caldera Governer's Mansion, Ornate Hlaalu Textures, Dark Stone Imperial Textures, Ivy and Stone Cottage Texture Replacers, Redoran Textures, and Magical Mournhold Textures are available... and they all look fabulous. Pick up some Banners for Shops and Great Houses, and Rugs too!
  • Lady Rae's Texture Replacers
    - If you like a more "colorful" Morrowind, Lady Rae's texture replacers are a must, starting with Lady Rae's Morrowind. Alternate Links
  • Landscape Remix
    - Upgrades some the Morrowind landscape textures and replaces some of Bethesda ones with higher resolutions for better visual quality. Yet another great choice in graphic replacers. Get the Landscape Remix Tribunal Pack here and the Landscape Remix Bloodmoon Pack here.
  • Magically Vibrant Mournhold the Emerald City Q3 Remix
    - A texture replacer for the Tribunal expansion using textures from Korana's Magical Mournhold, Skydye and Headless Wonder's Vibrant Morrowind, Faylynn's Mournhold the Emerald City, Albedo's Tribunal Landscape Remix, & a cobblestone texture from Qarl's Oblivion Texture Pack 3.
  • Mixed Textures 1.1
    -A conglomeration of textures from modders such as Zuldazug, Raptre, Lord Gabryael, ayse, Qarl, Carnajo, Albedo, Minion, etc. designed to make Morrowind look better using the best textures available. Best used alone methinks. The site is in French, but there's plenty of screenshots to help you decide.
  • Morrowind Visual Pack and Morrowind Visual Pack Update
    - Enhances the textures in Morrowind by making them more realistic and increasing the resolution. Graphic intensive.
  • Morrowind Visual Pack XT by Qarl
    - Replaces some of the Visual Pack's textures with even more graphic intense ones and adds some new ones. Hope your computer is up to the task. Alternate Link
  • Mournhold Texture Replacer by NeilV
    - A sweet retexture of Mournhold using tw shades of blue marble blended together with gold and silver trim. There's also an alternate white marble version. Hit the "Home" link for some other nice mods by NeilV too.
  • Pekka's Redoran Walnut Wooden Texture Replacer
    - Replaces the cold stone textures with nice, warm wooden ones.Redoran Alternate Link And if you like the Redoran wood textures, try Pekka's Vivec Wooden Texture Replacer. Vivec Alternate Link
  • Retextured Architecture of Morrowind - Imperial 1.0
    - Hi-Res retextures of the Imperial architecture using several texture packs. but still retain the same feel as the original stock textures.
  • Shacky Shacks
    - Makes the shacks in Morrowind shanty towns look much, much, better.
  • Shannon's Texture Replacers
    -Great texture replacers for some very neglected areas like Strongholds and Dwemer ruins. You can get Shannon's Dwemer Texture Replacer,Shannon's Egyptian Stronghold Retexture, Imperial Model Replacer, Sewers Retexture, and Telvanni Texture Replacer from Planet elder Scrolls.Alternate Links
  • Swampy Swamps
    - Makes the swamps in Morrowind's Bitter Coast area look much, much, better. Works wonderfully with Rainforests of the Bitter Coast.
  • Telvanni Shrooms
    -Changes the textures on the emperor parasol trees, small mushroom trees and the rooftops of the Telvanni housepods. Also changes the texture on the Telvanni Council Hall.
  • Texture Fix 1.8 and Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1
    - Removes numerous seams that occur when landscape textures fail to merge correctly due to the Morrowind engine being incapable of seamlessly blending more than two types of land texture. The Vvardenfell version repairs thousands of seams. The Bloodmoon version repairs hundreds more. Works well with most texture replacers too.
  • Unique Imperial Textures
    - Customizes the Imperial textures for Ebonheart, Pelagiad, Wolverine Hall, Ft. Moonmoth, Ft. Buckmoth, and Tel Vos so that each castle has a unique look.
  • Vivec/Velothi Texture Replacer 2.2
    - Vagabond Angel retextures Vivec into a marble metropolis fit for a god. Also makes all the Velothi architecture marble in Temples, Ghostgate, Velothi towers and ancestral tombs. Unlike some of the texture replacers out there, this one also replaces the interior textures of the relevant buildings. All the Vivec canton symbol-plates were also redone to better match the new textures.
  • Vibrant Morrowind 3.0
    - Makes Morrowind more vibrant and colorful. Huge download, so make sure you backup your textures before installing. Also note the mod authors are no longer supporting this mod, so please don't send them any emails or private messages.
  • Vivid Morrowind Repaint
    - This mod replaces some of the dull and blurry Morrowind landscape textures with high-resolution, extremely detailed ones, which will hopefully change the atmosphere of a few areas. Although in general this mod works well enough alone, Max recommends mix-n-matching it with a few other similar ones, like the various "Visual Packs". Most, but not all, of the textures originate from photographical material by different authors. A small HTML table is included listing each texture, its size, type, and origin. Alternate Link

    ~NOTES~ Darker Morrowind - Fantasy Color Morrowind - Jarrod's Texture Replacer - Land Patterns - Landscape Remix - Mixed Textures - Morrowind Visual Packs - Vibrant Morrowind - and Vivid Morrowind Repaint will conflict with each other as they basically do the same thing. I'd recommend using Darker Morrowind, Fantasy Color Morrowind, Mixed Textures and Vibrant Morrowind by themselves if you don't know a whole lot about overwriting textures. Qarl's Visual Pack goes well with the MVP series if you have the machine for it, just load it after MVP and its update. Carnajo's textures can be loaded on top of the MVPs (including Qarl's) and do just fine. I also think Carnajo's textures work well in addition to Land Patterns and Landscape Remix if you want more changes than just the landscape. Finally, you can see some Screenshot comparisons to help you decide.

  • Illuminated Windows
    - Creates a more realistic atmospheric experience throughout Morrowind/Mournhold. All windows, shack doors, mushroom doors are now illuminated during the night with improved scripting to turn them off during the day. Interior windows, blocked windows and shack doors are also illuminated with daylight during the day. Some exterior windows now have randomized lighting to create the illusion of activity inside. There's also a Bloodmoon expansion version as well as other enhancements, including sound.
  • Light the Way
    - A nice little atmosphere mod that gives the Transport NPCS lights so they don't stand there in the dark. The Caravaners (Silt Strider) get torches. The Shipmasters and Gondaliers get lanterns (open torches on wooden boats aren't a good idea). Sometimes simple is the best.
  • Modman's Windowlights 2.0
    - Adds exterior lights to most of the buildings in Vvardenfell. Alternate Link
  • Spuzzum's Interior Daylight
    - Adds a nice glow to interior windows to simulate light shining through. It also adjusts to the time outside so you'll have more of a glow at noon then say 8 in the morning.
  • The Lighting Mod - Complete version
    - Improvements the dynamic lighting in the game and adds modifiers for thieves based on lighting conditions. Pick up the The Lighting Mod - Modular version if you only want specific changes as per the readme.
  • Windows Glow 2.2
    - Windows now have an exterior and interior glow at the appropriate times during the night and day. The new version uses hand-placed windows, adds an "animated shimmer" to simulate candlelight, and has more efficient scripts. Alternate Link

  • Balmora Expansion
    - Gorg combines over 40 existing well known mods that effect or add to Balmora and the surrounding area. There's also plenty of brand new stuff, including a number of sets of armor and clothes created by Jeremy in his first store for selling his stuff, The Breton Knight. CanadianIce has created an all new Metal Queen Boutique store run by Erika's cousin Vonhelira. Currently there are 2 addons, one to make Windows Glow II compatible and one that adds Gorg's Necklace Pack to the jewelry store. Both can be found at the bottom of the download page listed above. In addition Slartibartfast has made Texture Fix - Balmora Expansion which fixes the seams in in the Expansion as well as updates a few mods that Balmora Expansion has incorporated. The original download above is still needed.
  • Better Caldera
    - Drastically changes Caldera: a home for the player in the center of Caldera; a barracks for the local Imperial Legion; a dramatically improved Shenk's Shovel; hundreds of new statics to add character to Caldera; minor changes to several homes and shops; a new trader, plus a few odds and ends that the player will have to find for himself. Could use a little fine tuning, but adds a great atmosphere of a quaint yet cramped mining town that expanded quickly.
  • Centurion's Redoran Stronghold Extension v2.1
    - This mod adds 3 new houses (guard-quarters, Andoras´ hut, Centurion´s house), an underground storage combined with a well and some accessoires (planters, torches, stairs) at Bal Isra inside the walls of your stronghold. There are also a few new NPC´s (guards, trainers, enchanter, travel-mage).
  • Felsaad Revamped
    - Combines three great mods... Cliffs of Fjalding: This makes the land directly to the northwest of Lake Fjalding much higher in elevation, and adds new static meshes to creat cliffs along the lakeside. Also adds an icy stream leading into a waterfall over the cliffs. Fortified Thirsk: This plugin adds medieval wooden fort walls and new custom Thirsk guards around the original Thirsk buildings, like an old wooden fort. They are meant to give Thirsk more of a guarded feel, and possibly help the player character find shelter from northern beasts a bit more safe and secure. Skaal Forest: Adds twice as many trees to the areas surrounding Skaal Village, making the land tougher to navigate and anticipate dangers.
  • Molag Mar Revisited
    - Replaces the old canton-style Molag Mar with a more aesthetically pleasing version. Does not change any quests.
  • Princess_Stomper's City Expansions
    - I fell in love with Suran Extended. PS soon followed this up with other City Expansions including Ald Redaynia Extended, Thirsk Expanded, a complete version of Mournhold Expanded, and now Ghostgate gets a make over too. Try them all, you won't be disappointed.
  • Rethan Expansion 2.2
    - Adds many enhancements to the Hlaalu stronghold of Rethan Manor including a complete fourth stage of construction. Should now work with Join All Houses. Also includes a Necessities of Morrowind-compatible version of the esp.
  • Silgrad Tower
    - Adds a huge chunk of Morrowind's mainland west of Vvardenfell, comprised of 224 heavily detailed exterior cells (see map here) as well as 35+ quests, hundreds of interiors and over a thousand NPCs.
  • Tamriel Rebuilt Map 1
    - This is the first area of the TR mainland Morrowind project. The area that Map 1 occupies is mostly occupied by House Telvanni, save for two Imperial settlements on its western coast. It spans diverse types of terrain, from the rugged Boethian Mountains to the overgrown wilderness of the Telvanni Isles and from the rolling hills and fertile pastures of the Molagreahd to the dark depths of the Sea of Ghosts. Its population is spread across a number of settlements, ranging from the majestic glory of Port Telvannis to the imposing battlements of Firewatch, from the sprawling bridges of Gah Ouadaruhn to the dizzy heights of the top of Tel Ouada. Adds even more in the way of new equipment and creatures, and will be updated to include quests. This is a beta release.
  • Uvirith Inside 1.6
    - Combines Uvirith Vault and Uvirith Unleashed as a starting point and then starts piling on the good stuff.
  • Vivec Expansion 2.0
    - Adds a number of very carefully designed additions to the exterior of the city of Vivec, new interiors, NPCs to populate the new stuff, a new dungeon and a few quests. Version 2.0 offers quite a bit more. New quests, new NPCs, better scripts, more unique dialogue, a big-ass dungeon, a nifty boss-battle (very, very tough - maybe even harder than the lich from Firemoth), a new building, some unique rewards for your trouble and more. Alternate Link
  • Vivec Replacement 1.02
    - Replaces the Vivec cantons with open topped ones and the Molag Mar one with a closed top one. The Vivec Arena looks awesome and all those trees in the Vivec cantons don't look out of place now. There is also a Vivec-only version for those that want to use Molag Mar Revisited. Compatible with Vivec Expansion.

  • A Lord's Men 2.0.2
    - A Lord's Men Mercenaries supplies Vvardenfell's Lords and Ladies with any kind of personnel that might come in useful to those with power and wealth. There are 35 different types of units that can be hired at various prices, ranging from guards to maids, butlers, trainers, miners and dancers. The main intention of this mod is to add to the atmosphere of players houses and strongholds. They can be taken along on adventures as well. Especially the guards, elite guards, and heroes which are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Alternate Link
  • Children of Morrowind
    - Adds 330 talking, playing, interacting children of various ages and of all races to exterior and interior locations in Morrowind, Mournhold, and Solstheim. Great atmosphere! There are a dozen of Add-on mods or similar for Children of Morrowind listed on the page as well (the newest being the Teenage Elves Add-on), so be sure check them out.
  • Morrowind Comes Alive 5.1
    - Randomly adds over 1000 types of NPCs to 300+ cells. Uses leveled lists so which NPC spawns where is random including items carried and worn. Once spawned, the NPCs have a 20% chance of disappearing when you leave the cell they're in, so a new NPC will appear when you come back later. This simulates people traveling to and from towns, and going in and out of the inns, shops, guilds etc. The newest version integrates the Undead v2.2 mod and has vampires, werewolves, 6th Houses members, wilderness guard patrols, and more. There's also a Morrowind Comes Alive 5.1 - Lore Correct Names available. If FPS is a concern you might try Morrowind Comes Alive 5.1 Lighter. This version lowers the spawn chances of added MCA NPCs, and makes an attempt to streamline the scripts, taking out 'willspawnothers' code in order to combat the frame rate issues many people have with MCA.
  • Nevena's Assistants and Apprentices
    - Adds 80 new hireable assistants/apprentices, and one new East Empire Company merchant selling ingredients derived from Bloodmoon and Tribunal ingredients. This merchant also has three new ingredients that will allow the creation of Mark and Recall potions. These servants are called Assistants & Apprentices because once hired, it's up to you to provide them with the opportunities they need to improve their skills and inventories. They'll tell you what they need, and you go to other NPCs to buy trade contracts. Through your efforts, you can eventually have access to all tools, ingredients, clothing, and soulgems right in the comfort of your own home. Alternate Link
  • Nevena's Clubs and Courtiers
    - Adds two new clubs, and the Courtier class. At the clubs, you can hire a Courtier to follow or wait for you wherever you wish, and have them recite authentic Renaissance poems, songs and jests. You may also play as a Courtier, relying on your wit, charm and stealth rather than fighting skills to see you through. Alternate Link
  • The Regulars - Sitting NPCs 2.02
    - Adds 27 sitting NPCs to taverns and clubs around Vvardenfell for realism. And now bards too from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.
  • Traveling Merchants 2.2
    - GhanBuriGhan’s Traveling Merchants introduced seven NPCs that traveled scripted routes between towns, and added much needed live to the roads of western Vvardenfell. Traveling Merchants version 2.2 adds seven more routes (for a total of 14) throughout Vvardenfell and fixes bugs in the version 1.2 beta release.
  • Wanderers of Solstheim 1.1
    - This mod adds random friendly NPCs to the wilderness of Solstheim. Somewhat like Morrowind Comes alive only for Solstheim. It should make wandering around out there a bit more interesting.

  • Atmospheric Sound Effects 1-4
    - Adds a plethora of new sounds with hundreds of new emission points all around Vvardenfell.
  • Breton Male Voice Replacer 1.1
    - Replaces the Breton Male voices that came with the game with much nicer ones that don't sound so wimpy.
  • Gutteral Orcs
    - This "mod" is a voice replacer for all the male Orcs in the game. It is not a true plugin, as it has no .esp file. It changes the male Orc voices to make them sound more menacing, deeper and truer to what an Orc is supposed to have.
  • Magical Sound Effect Replacement Mod
    - Replaces the sound effects of magic spells and magical events like Teleportation with new ones. The mod includes the old Bethesda sounds as well as new o­nes in a .wav format, so you can select which sounds you like best. Drop them in the Sounds/Fx/Magic folder.
  • Michikawa's Public Music Pack
    - Some wonderfully awesome music packs to add to your Music folders. Besides the above great pack, there also the following: Battle Music Pack, Explorer Music Pack, and a Dungeon Music Pack.
  • Morrowind Sound Enhancement 2.1 Full
    - A nice alternative to ASE above, and works well with the Wilderness Sounds mod.
  • The Epic Soundtrack
    - A music mod meant to blend in with the Morrowind atmosphere, as well as add to it. The explore loop is extended by about 40%, thus making the music less repetitive. These are all excellent quality tracks that are diverse, sometimes peaceful, sometimes dramatic. Some "silent" tracks are also included so there's not always music playing.
  • The Morrowind Voice Add-On Project
    - Now Dagoth Gares, Vivec and Dagoth Ur will speak their lines to you.
  • Voice Add-Ons by Skydiver
    - Now Almalexia and the lich Barilzar will speak their lines to you too.
  • Wilderness Sounds mod
    - Adds sounds in the wilds of Vvardenfell. (Doesn't replace any old sounds). Also note that the official plugins Bitter Coast Sounds and Master Index are included, so uncheck them if you're using this.


  • Advanced Herbalism 1.1 by Andoreth
    - Changes alchemical ingredient gathering and makes it a skill as well as the ability to plant seeds. And there's a hoe...Get the Planter Add-on (same page) for this mod as well so you can grow things in pots.
  • At Home Alchemy
    - At Home Alchemists rejoice! Never again will you have to readjust your perfectly placed alchemy set. Instead of having to put your apparatuses into your inventory every time you want to make a potion, you can now simply "fire up" the apparatuses you wish to use by activating them. Makes much more sense now.
  • Bloated Morrowind
    - Adds Bloat Spores to the wilds of Morrowind. Bloat spores were shipped with the game, but never activated.
  • Dwemer Bio Monitor
    - Automatically heals health, fatigue, and magicka using character's potions. Detects and cures poisons, diseases, and blight. Creates potions if the character has the right ingredients. And more...Alternate Link
  • Herbalism for Purists
    - Allows the character to harvest ingredients from plants automatically by simply clicking on the plant. Unlike other mods, your chances at gathering ingredients from a plant are the same as the original game with this mod activated. Also includes "Flora Glow" by Nigedo & Max_aka_NOBODY and "Bloated Morrowind" by MagicNakor. Local scripts are well optimized, so there is little to no performance hit.
  • Herbalism Redux v1.12a
    - Allows the character to harvest ingredients from plants automatically by simply clicking on the plant. There's an 80% success rate and the number of ingredients harvested is related to the plant model. Once you have clicked on the plant, it will be disabled and reappear after a month. Local scripts are well optimized, so there is little to no performance hit.
  • Resources Enhanced
    - This plugin changes the way resources are collected as well a adding some nice collection touches. To collect raw ebony, raw glass, diamonds, and adamantium the character now has to actually mine them using a miner's pick and hitting the rocks. When you collect pearls from kollops, they disappear in a cloud of bubbles. When you collect kwama eggs, the sack shrinks to nothing revealing a kwama egg. By default, all above listed resources respawn 30 days later.
  • Srikandi's Alchemy
    - Adds new ingredients to Morrowind and the expansions, as well as tweaks some things for better realism.

    ~NOTES~ Advanced Herbalism 1.1 - Herbalism for Purists - and Herbalism Redux 1.12a do conflict with each other, so choose only one.

  • Adamantium Towershield and Adamantium Round Shield
    - It always bugged me that the official adamantium plugin didn't have shields. Now we do.
  • Amazon War Boots 1.1
    - This mod adds the first part of Amazon Full Plate Mail (for Better Bodies). 5 Slips, 2 Tops, and 15 Boots are included, available in 3 Shops: 1.) Balmora-Meldor 2.) Caldera-Hodlismod 3.) Suran-Garothmuk groMuzgub. The second part of the series, Amazon Plate Greaves 2.0, is also available. Lastly, Cenobite's Amazon Tops may be of interest to somewhat complete the set. For Better Bodies.
  • Ancient Headdress
    - Adds Mayan/Egyption influenced items to the game. Included in the resource are a headdress, pauldrons, bracers and a range of simple necklaces. Phijama has also included a dress that is a recolor of one of Aleanne's fine pieces of work (uses Nioliv's mesh as a foundation). Also includes a pair of self sheathing chakra and a Mayan temple. Alternate Link
  • Asent - Aundae Sentinel Armor
    - Adds a nice Ornate armor suitable for the ancient undead's taste.
  • Atrox's Legacy Lite
    - Adds nine new outfits and one set of weapons including a full set of Deathdealer Armor, a full glass helmet and glass guantlets, and Aichimo Blades. Read the readme for how to get the items.
  • Black Heart Armor
    - Adds a black Queen of Hearts armor set, a shield and a set of weapons, eleven newly colored 'long curly' wigs, a storage chest and a new race NPC. Alternate Link
  • Boots for Beasts
    - Adds "beast" versions of foot armor for Argonians and Khajiit to use. Look for them at Meldor the Armorer in Balmora as well as other places around Vvardenfell.
  • Combatrobe
    - Adds a cuirass-robe-combination (in a short and a long version), boots, sandals and an almost-allround-set of weapons (two knives, a sword, a bow) to the game (look around in Arille's storage). It is only meant to be worn by female characters, there is no support for male characters. Now there's replacement knives you can choose from. Read the readme and look at the screenshots for more.
  • Dagoth, Black Netch, and Red Dragon Armors
    - Adds four retextured (sort of) sets of armor culled from various sources, as well as hundreds of words in readable form! Adds a few NPCs to Sixth House strongholds and Ash Vampire lairs, too. Alternate Link
  • Death Dealer Helmet
    - Frank Frazetta's vision comes to Morrowind via Hellwolve. And if that's not enough for you, get the Death Dealer Axe too.
  • Drow Priestess Armor
    - Adds a new female light armor to Morrowind whose spidery concept works great for the Drow race.
  • Durzog Armor
    - A new set of armor with 100% original meshes. Male and female versions with open and closed face helms for each gender as well. Did I mention there's a quest to get the armor? Alternate Link
  • Elite Indoril Armour 1.7
    - Adds a male and female set of Elite Indoril Armour in black and silver, including an open-face helmed version. Alternate Link
  • Eyren's Armor
    - Adds several new armors to the game, inspired by the game Lineage 2, plus the snow cuirass. The armors are located at Meldor the Armorer, Balmora. For Better Bodies, preferrably the nude version.
  • Female Leather Ranger Armor
    - Adds a female light leather armor set in 6 colours for BB. The set includes high heel and flat thigh high boots, skirt, tunic with bracers and a cape. An optional "clothing instead of armor" ESP is included, thanks Xiamara! Alternate Link
  • First Guard Armor
    - Argonian armor with boots. A classic.
  • Fliggerty's Armor Project 2.0
    - This mod combines 90+ armor mods into one. But rather than keeping the original quests or shops, they have been put into new and existing leveled lists. You will find these armors in various smuggler, bandit, and other loot lists. They have also been added to every merchant in the game. All smiths will have at least one full set of armor. The catch is they probably won't match. Other traders have anywhere from 0 to 5 pieces so you will have reason to check back with the merchants. More balancd in the latest edition.
  • Golden Saint Armor
    - Adds a set of Golden Saint Armor (sans helm) based on the "Domina" mesh. Get the texture packs too for correct flesh tones.
  • Holy King Armor
    - Adds a very nice set of regal armor and claymore to the game with an attached quest to obtain it. There's also a Holy Kings Queen Armor for female characters and Holy King and St. Nerevar Armor Retextures for those that like the armor but aren't enamored with the color of it.
  • J Ninja Armor
    - Adds 3 Ninja-styled armors to the game by Braddock (aka Mantodea). Instructions on finding them in the readme. Ronin also did some nice retextures in his mod, Ninja Outfits. Screenshots of Ronin's retextures.
  • Knights of Tamriel
    - Excellent armors for Paladin types. 6 types (7 if you count the Armor of Valshea) and counting. I love 'em all!
  • Legolas Gear
    - Look in Arille's Tradehouse for Legolas' gear. Perfect for an archer.
  • New Imperial Helms
    - New helms, on the guard captains, on the Ebonheart guards, on the Duke Guards, and on the Knight Templars with a few places to buy or steal them.
  • Ornate Akavirian Armor
    - Adds two sets of awesome retextured armor; one inspired by samurai armor and the other by ninja. Also adds 6 retextured Japanese weapons. All of it can be found in Moalg Mar in a shop found by going straight after you get off the silt strider. Also offers a playable Tsaesci race, but only one head and 2 hairstyles are currently available.
  • Sheikizza's Daedric and Other Armors
    - Sheikizza gives us several variations of daedric armor and a nice suit of aedric armor among other things.
  • Stalker Armor Redone
    - Adds a suit of light chainmail armor covered by studded leather to a chest in Vivec. Has a female cuirass, open hood, and boots for beasts too. This version isn't enchanted.
  • The Dark Glass Armor 1.1
    - Adds a set of armor with the same protection as regular glass armor, but the looks of good thief's armor. Includes a hood.
  • The General's Elven Armor with Female Update and fix
    - Adds The 2nd and 3rd age Elven Armor from LOTR to the Game. Male and female versions in this one.
  • Tsaesci Dragonscale Armour
    - The Tsaesci Dragonscale Armour is one of the rarest sets of armour in existence. It was forged from the scales of black dragons during their destruction in Akavir and the metal adamantium by an unknown dragon hunter. You can find the armour and longbow in a locked chest located in Caius Cosades' house.
  • The Brass God by lochnarus
    - Adds an awesome new armour set to the game for both males and females, found inside of a new dungeon. See README for details, spoilers and file list. Screenshots. Alternate Link
  • Vagabond Angel's Armours
    - Fantastic Armours! Indoril WarMaster Armour, Ymsidril Armour in an Emerald and a Blue, and the amazing Morkeleb Armour. Get the original Ymsidril Armour here. Comes in fabulous shades of black and another in red.
  • Void Gear
    - New and improved Void Gear: Armor, clothing, and weaponry; everything an aspiring Void professional needs... Go see Anruin in Sadrith Mora, or Artanis Eston in Mournhold's Great Bazaar. Has Better Bodies compatible items as well. There's some miniquests and such for some of the more unique items. Alternate Link

    ~NOTES~ Need even more great armor? Check out Vagabond's Armoury List.

  • Armorer 1.94
    - Allows the character to smith 13 types of armor: Ebony, Glass, Bone, Dwemer, Steel, Iron, Imperial Templar, Imperial Chain, Imperial Steel, Orcish, Indoril, Nordic Iron/Ringmail and Dreugh. 8 public forges with vendors to sell you the materials and equipment you'll need. Conflicts with Complete Morrowind Full/Part 5: Smithing for obvious reasons.
  • CharGen Revamped v1.4
    - Tired of starting your new characters on a prison ship? Want more control over your characters starting out? Try this! Lots of new locations to start from, and a lot of different editors to help you create the character you want.
  • Complete Morrowind FULL Final
    - Cooking and Brewing Poisons, Sewing and Leatherworking, Pottery, Woodcutting and Carpentry, and Mining and Smithing. Make campfires and straw items, fill empty bottles from kegs and wells, and more. Adds a much needed dose of realism to the world. Alternate Link. There's a Complete Morrowind Full Final - Morrowind only version also. CM - Morrowind only Alternate Link
  • Consignment Chests
    - Puts consignment chests in several of the weapons and armor shops in Balmora, Vivec and Mournhold. A player can put expensive weapons or armor in one of these chests, and the merchant will buy them while the player is away. For every full day the player does not enter the shop, the merchant will spend up to his full daily barter cash budget on items in the chest. The cash is placed in the chest, and the player can pick it up anytime.
  • Dracandros' Voice
    - Give orders to your followers in your faction as well as other improvements to NPCs.
  • Give Your Orders
    - A stand alone mod that also complements Dracandros' Voice. Give orders to lower ranking faction members, your slaves, your companions, and those who like you (disp>95)...including the expansions and ones found in mods, past and future.
  • Freelancer
    - A nice little mod that allows you to do and finish quests you stumble on without having to join a faction. Ends some quests if you decline them. Three Legion quest givers offer freelance work after you've proven yourself. And the Bal Molagmer quests now become available to anyone with a reputation of 10.
  • Improved Shrine Journal entries
    - A small mod that better updates your journal after reading shrine texts with all the information, instead of just telling you that you read the text.
  • Indy Bank v2.4a
    - Kir updates Indestructible's bank mod, which adds Daggerfall style banks to Morrowind.
  • Lock Bash Enhanced
    - Now you can open doors and containers by bashing them. There's also an option to lock doors at night. The caveat here is that this mod conflicts with any mod that changes the doors in the game.
  • Morrowind Crafting 2.1
    - Morrowind Crafting attempts to improve the role-playing experience of Morrowind without unbalancing it, allowing the player character to create over 1230 different items. In order to make your character a more "well-rounded" person, MC adds the following skills and abilities (among others): Woodworking, Cooking, Sewing, Fletching, Crafting, Weaving, Pottery, Brewing, Smithing, Weaving, Glass Blowing, Mining, Candle making, and Poison making. Works well alongside other mods of simlilar nature as well as Necessities of Morrowind.
  • Pathanias' Potion Sorter 1.02a
    - This mod sorts the potions in your inventory by name and by quality. Potions were renamed to fit a certain format in inventory and sort by what the potion does rather than lumping all "quality", "standard", etc potions together. "Potion of" was removed from potion names as its obvious they are a type of potion. "Spoiled" was moved from the front to the back of potion names to fit the other formats. Quality changed to Distinct, and Standard changed to Common in order to sort in inventory properly. Bargain, Cheap, Common, Distinct, Exclusive, is the new format from worst to best. Spoiled is a special case and follows Exclusive in inventory. The GCD version changes the duration of the restore attribute potions from 0 to 1 as required by the GCD script.
  • Persuasion Response Expansion v4
    - Adds a total of 703 new responses (some are quite comical) for when the player bribes, taunts, or admires an NPC.
  • Potion Sorter
    - Sorts potions by effect rather than quality making it easier to find and access your character's potions and drinks.
  • Readable Books 1.0
    - Lets you read the text of open books without picking them up. Comes in two versions, one which is compatible with Book Rotate. Alternate Link
  • Regionally Known Criminals 1.1
    - This mod makes crime on Morrowind region dependent. This means that after you commit a crime in Balmora people in Caldera won't know about your crimes, but when you go back to Balmora you will get your bounty back. After a certain crime level people in other towns will also hear about your crimes. The news of your crimes will only spread to towns that have the same kind of guards as in the town you commited the crime. Read the readme for more detailed information.
  • Sit Down in Morrowind
    - Like the name suggests, you will now be able to sit down in the taverns and guesthouses of Morrowind. Each tavern now has one seat labelled 'stool' for the player to sit down. Click on the stool to sit down and to stand up the player character looks directly down and clicks again. The stool uses the greaves slot. Also note that robes should be removed before sitting as the effect looks rather odd with robes on.
  • Unboarable Rieklings
    - Ever wanted to knock one of those damn Rieklings off his boar? Well now you can. With this mod enabled, Riekling Raiders and their boars will no longer die simultanously. Instead, once they get down to about 45% health, the Riekling will fall off, and either survive while the boar dies, or die while the boar survives.

  • Cali's Clothing
    - Adds 5 sets of elegant female clothing complete with shoes to go with them. Alternate Link
  • Cloak Collection 1.4
    - Adds a selection of cloaks, hoods, and capes. Talk to Salvor on the Balmora streets. Alternate Link
  • Drakescale and Haazheel Robes
    - Adds a couple of cool looking Robes. Pick up a nifty-looking female Dunmer face too.
  • Physiqued Capes
    - Adds a physiqued cape that will twist and bend when the character moves. 12 textures provided by Calishan and Bravo1. There's a shop for the Physiqued Capes in the St. Delyn Canalworks which unfortunately conflicts with a house for the Elvish Trade Cartel featured in the Korobal Island mod. Get the update too.
  • Pirate's Outfit 1.0
    - Adds 3 pairs of musketeer boots, 6 knee breeches, and 5 captain's coats.
  • Ranger Robe
    - Look in the Razor's Hole in Balmora for the robe. Great for archers.
  • Rings and Amulets 2.1a
    - Adds 130 rings and 246 amulets with unique icons by Daduke. To be used with leveled lists.
  • Silaria's Ultimate Clothing - Skirts
    - Adds 51 new retextured skirts to Morrowind merchants. Steal the Robe of Light and some kilts while you're there too!
  • Wizards' Hats
    - Hats fit for those Gandalf types.

  • Aleanne's Clothing and Armor 1 and Aleanne's Clothing and Armor 2
    - Adds a vendor in the Tel Vos service tower that sells fabulous clothing and armor for female characters. Screenshots AC&A; 1 Alternate Link AC&A; 2 Alternate Link
  • Aradia's Needle
    - Adds a new shop in Vos, where Aradia the weaver will sell you several dresses, clothes, and armors, for females only.
  • BadKarma's and Leeloo's Serenity 2.0
    - One says that in Ebonheart in foggy nights a ghost ship named "Serenity" cruises the high sea. It is been said that the captain of the ship sells goods in return of poor men souls. Sometimes legends are true. The Captain of the ship indeed sells clothes for men. You will find a variety of pants for the Better Bodies Style (2.0 +)by Psychodog Studios as well as chest armor and pauldrons and a few Coats. The coats are only suitable for Bretons or Imperial male characters! The pants could also be worn by female characters. Alternate Link
  • BB Dress Pack plus Leather and Chain
    - Baratheon79 offers 6 new BB dresses based on the tight-fitting dress mesh.
  • Cali's Dryad Dresses
    - Adds 4 new dresses, one for each season. Alternate Link
  • Cali's Tight Dresses
    - Adds 6 new dresses based on the tight-fitting dress mesh. Alternate Link
  • Clothiers of Vvardenfell 1.1
    - It only adds 500 or so clothing items from Lady Rae, Bad Karma, and Korana, ranging from armor to fine gowns to lingerie to pirate outfits, and everything in between. Oh, and a tavern, 7 stores, new NPCs, some mini-quests, and books. That's all. I know, you need more, don't we all?
  • Eyren's Robes 1.1
    - Adds seven robes based on Nioliv's robe meshes. Available at Milie Hastien, Balmora. For Better Bodies nude version.
  • Female Vampire Outfit by e-bride
    - Adds new items in Morrowind. You can find them in Drucashti. Search for 2 dwemer chests called "ancient chest." If you belong to Quarra's clan, talk to Kjeld for the armor parts.
  • Kat's Kastle and Kat's Kastle ESP v1.2 Update
    - Kat's Kastle is a collection of boutiques and shops set within a mysterious castle. Enigma Isle, where the castle is located, can be accessed via a small portal approximately 200 metres south of the Balmora siltstrider along the riverbank. There are approximately 1300 items of female clothing included. Definitely a shopping experience to die for...
  • Korana's Clothing
    - Long Dresses, Peasant Gowns, a Gypsy Outfit, Falconer Leather, Venom Rose Equipment, and now a Sexy Black Collar Dress. They look great, so hurry up and grab 'em!
  • Leather and Lace
    - Leather and Lace by Dereko updated for BB2. You need to download both the original and the update.
  • Loincloths and Tops
    - Loincloths and tops by Dereko that are BB 2.0 compatible.
  • Myrabell's Clothing Emporium
    - Adds a lovely shop in Sadrith Mora with BB compatible clothing and armor for males! and (mostly) females. There are also 3 new playable heads and some retextured furniture items included.
  • Qarl's Gothic Attire I
    - Adds a collection of 43 gothic and fetish attire. 10MB big. Alternate Link
  • Qarl's Gothic Attire II v1.4
    - Adds 99 more gothic and fetish outfits. 8.7MB big and does require Qarl's Gothic Attire I. Alternate Link
  • Slof's Goth Shop for Men and Slof's Goth Shop Add-On 1 and Slof's Goth Shop Add-On 2
    - Just on the northern outskirts of Vos, a reclusive pale-skinned Altmer by the name of Mr. Lee has opened a little shop that caters for gentlemen of a darker persuasion. Named after his pet guar, Nigel, The Black Guar sells a large range of goth style clothing for men only, from fetish-wear to stylish trenchcoats. Yeah, that's right, more clothes for the guys! Add-on 1 gives the guys more robes, and even jewelry and body art. Add-On 2 squashes some bugs and offers a some more items. Simply fabulous.
  • Slof's Goth Shop II for Men and Slof's Goth Shop II Kinky Thongs Add-On
    - In the The Foreign Quarter Canalworks of Vivec, a new branch of the Goth Shop has been opened by a fellow called Peter Cushing, a good friend of the vampire, Chris Lee. The Red Drop is an entirely stand-alone shop, but many of the items are designed to compliment the old clothing from Goth Shop I. Although the shop caters primarily for men, some of the accessories will work on females, though the styling is aimed at males. Another employee, Dorian, sells kinky thongs for guys in the Add-on.
  • The Crimson Wire
    - This mod adds a new shop, "the Crimson Wire", in Sadrith Mora next to Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub that sells clothing for better Bodies. There are two merchants : the Imperial sells male clothes and the Wood Elf sells female clothes. Wonderful additions to Morrowind! Alternate Link
  • The General's Elven Clothing Pack #1
    - Adds 6 new elvish style tops for women (one is also for men), 2 new simple elvish pants, and 2 skirts to Bivale Tenerans Clothier shop in Ald-ruhn under Skar.
  • Thigh High Boots 2.0
    - Durgoth's mod adds Thigh High Boots to 3 vendors Plateau Boots to 1 vendor as follows: Balmora - Milie Hastien, Fine Clothier (Thigh High Boots & Plateau Boots)/Caldera - Falanaamo, Clothier/Suran - Verara Rendo, Clothier. Every Shop has different Boots so be sure to visit them all. There's 1 Stiletto version and 1 with a Thick Heel, both in 12 different Colors. 3 Leather versions are available as clothing and armor.

    ~NOTES~ Need more BB clothes? Take a look at Better Bodies Wiki at UESP.

  • Baratheon79's Companion mods
    - Mercenaries, Mage Companions (recently updated), and Bears oh my! Nord warriors with wolves, Wood Elf Arya, and now Galith Companions too!
  • Companion Teleportation 1.1
    - Tired of Companions that can't follow when you teleport? Afraid to run external programs? Then this one is for you. Talk to your companions about 'teleportation and then use an Intervention, Recall, or the new Companion Teleport spell and the companions will follow to any exterior location. This is a trimmed down version of the features in Improved Teleportation 2.0 so don't use both at the same time. Use the MultiMark Mod with this and you'll get many of the features of Improved Teleportation but only in exterior cells. Middle of the page under "Other Current Mods (that do NOT require MWSE)."
  • Emma's Companion mods
    - Emma offers us all sorts of companions from a Breton Girlfriend to an Imperial boyfriend to Buddy and Holly. Her masterpiece though is the Laura Craft, Romance and Adventure mod v. 2.2, recently updated with kissing animation. Also, there are 2 quest mods, Blades Quest and Witchgirl Adventure, that feature some of her companions as well. Finally, she teams up with Grumpy to give us more great companions. See below for more.
  • Grumpy's Companion mods
    - One of the pioneers in creating companion mods, Grumpy's nifty "Companion Project" has been a wonderful resource for Morrowind modders to create their own companions for quite awhile. In addition to the great companions he's done with Emma such as Dog Companions for sale, a Wolf Companion - Spot, and more recently Thief Companion Constance and Companion Hurd, Grumpy gives us even more great ones for our Morrowind adventures. Cally and Gabran (not compatible with each other, so choose one), some of the first, are now joined by Grumpy's Packguar and Companion Beryl, a scaled down version of Thief Companion Constance which uses a slightly modified version of the "Companion Project 3.1" script. --- In memory of our friend Dennis (March 18th 1950 - June 17th 2005) aka Grumpy, long may his mods bring joy to the Morrowind Community.
  • Julan, Ashlander Companion 1.2
    - A companion/quest mod meant to run alongside the Main Quest. Meet Julan Kaushibael, a young Ashlander man you rescue from Daedra outside Ghostgate. He wants you to take him on as a companion in order to train him into becoming a better warrior, but it quickly becomes clear that there are things going on that he isn't telling you...
  • Korana's Companions mods
    - Get your very own Meadow Fae, Lady Death, or Dawn companion.
  • Of Human Bondage 1.1
    - Adds a basement to the Suran Slavery Market where you can purchase slaves (based on the Slave Warrior Jessica mod) of any sex and race for the price of 5000 gold. There's also a Companion Share version of the mod.
  • Partners 3.0 Roleplayers Edition
    - Adds 100 new companions to Morrowind for the player to recruit. Grumpy's follow script has been added to the NPCs as well as an alignment-based recruiting system for better roleplaying.
  • Slave Warrior Jessica - Tribunal
    - Adds two new NPC's on the northern edge of Seyda Neen. The first is Corik the Trader, a man whom is desperately seeking to leave Vvardenfell. And the second is his beautiful slave and bodyguard, Jessica. If you make a deal with Corik, Jessica can be your loyal companion. This has Tribunal functionality: companion share and warping.
  • Vorwoda the Black's Companions
    - Hippolyta and Decius are great companions for those with Morrowind only setups. And any Telvanni worthy of that Great House must get his Shock Centurion companion.
  • Vvardenfell Travel Agency
    - For easily transporting companions all around Morrowind.


    ~NOTES~ External Programs are so numerous now that they can make their very own list. Check out Bjam's MWE, MWSE and MGE mods list. You'll be glad you did.

  • Don Salus' Faces Pack 3
    - Adds 78 multi-raced faces to the game for the player to use. Be sure to check out the other wonderful facepacks by Don Salus and Zuldazug at Khalazza Productions.
  • Emma's Heads
    - Quite a few new retextured faces for Imperials, Bretons, Redguards, High Elf females, Dunmer, Wood Elves, Nords, and now more Imperials and Bretons to choose from!
  • UQForgotten's Master Head Pack
    - Adds 250+ playable faces (including some celebrities) to the assorted races. I must say these faces are simply amazing. Also avialable in 13 seperate face packs if you're looking for a smaller download. UQForgotten's Individual Head Packs
  • Headpacks by Westly
    - Great male headpacks for Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Imperials, Nords, Orcs, Redorans, Wood Elves and Young Mystic Males for Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Nords, and Wood Elves... with more on the way. Westly's Female Headpack - Elves & Orcs and Westly's Female Headpack - Humans are also now available. Most of the faces have some options for each face as well, such as with or without beard, different eye colors, facial tattoos, etc. for more customization. Alternate Link for Westly's mods
  • Just Face It and Just Face It 2
    - Adds several very nice human female heads (Bretons and Nords) and a few Breton males (in Part 2) for the player to use. Photorealistic awesome goodness. You can also pick up some nice High Elf and Dark Elf retextures of the second pack by Sorcha Ravenlock.
  • Loch's Master Head Pack
    - Adds 171 playabale heads of various races, completed over a year and a half.
  • OC's Imperial Male Headpack
    - Adds 16 playable Imperial Male heads.
  • Qarl's Hot Girls Qarl's Hot Girls II and Qarl's Hot Girls III
    - Adds a collection of 10 playable female heads, a collection of 18 playable female heads, and a collection of 63 playable female heads respectively, mainly of the Breton, Wood Elf, Imperial, Nord, Redguard, and Dunmer variety. They sizzle! QHG I Alternate Link QHG II Alternate Link QHG III Alternate Link
  • Rhedd's Heads
    - The original classics that started it all. Alternate Link
  • Rin's Beauty Shop and Rin's Beauty Shop Unofficial Expansion by Kateri
    - Adds 17 playable female heads, 2 Dark Elf male heads and 10 kinds of hairstyles. Does not replace any of the games heads. Visit Rin's shop at "Outffiter" in Balmora and enjoy shopping.The unofficial expansion makes the hair available to Wood and High Elves, Redguards, Imperials and Nords, and adds several new colour variants. The best released hair I've seen to date for the game.
  • Sexy Female Hairstyles
    - Adds a new hair model for females of all the humanoid races, in 5 different colors for each race (Brown, Black, Red, White, and Blonde).
  • Silaria's Long Hair
    - Silaria gives us long hair in 6 colors for all the humans and elves.
  • Sorcha Ravenlock's Headpacks
    - Sorcha has made several beautiful headpacks. I just love the elvish ladies!
  • Tamrielic Features 1.1
    - Adds around 70 new faces in total from TheSiriusSnape and Ravyn Angel. Great stuff.
  • Wizthis' Headpacks
    - A handful of face packs that are very nicely done, including some great vampire heads. Males, females and the majority of races are covered. There's tutorials for aspiring modders to make their own faces too. Note that you may not find good links to all the facepacks offered on the site, but you can find them below in Yacoby's and Galahaut's list.

    ~NOTES~ There are a myriad of great face and hair mods. If you want an even greater variety than the ones listed here, please take a look at Yacoby's & Galahaut's List of Heads and Hairs.

  • Ashlander Tent 2.0
    - A great home for rangers, hunters, rogues, and adventurers (and a nice change for mages and fighters). Visit Timsar the tent maker to earn your own custom-made portable Ashlander yurt. You can find him just north of Falensarano in the Grazelands.
  • Baratheon79's House Mods
    - From Seyda Neen to Solstheim, a Houseboat to a Floating Hovel, furnished and unfurnished, you should be able to find something that suits you here. And if owning an inn (Wayferer's Rest) or a tavern (Racer's Roost) interests you, then take a look at B79's Commerce Mods.
  • Buyable Ghorak Manor 3.0
    - Ghorak Manor is "For Sale" and totally refurbished. The manor now comes with an auto-sorting alchemy lab, book sorter, bed and bath, hot springs, display room, 40 armor mannequins (20 male, 20 female), plenty of storage space, and of course, Creeper, who has been relocated to the basement.
  • Castle Vianden 2.1
    - A castle (relocated from Pelegiad to near Sadrith Mora/Wolverine Hall in this version) with all the ameneties. Yeah, you know you want a castle to live in. Alternate Link
  • Centurion's Castle Kanthrock v3.1 and 4.0
    - A castle in the Bitter Coast region awaits an Imperial Legion member worthy of its grandeur... It's well worth it, even just to add as eye candy to your game. Alternate Link
  • Créhange Manor 1.1
    - Adds a Morrowind version of an existing castle in Larochette Luxembourg to the city of Suran, right across the rope bridge. Definitely a manor suited for a Lord or Lady. There's also Créhange Manor Guard Towers available. Alternate Link
  • Firemoth Expanded 1.5
    - The Firemoth plugin and it's island fortress have been expanded. Go. Conquer. Then live there...
  • Grow Telvanni Towers v2.01
    - Gain the knowledge of growing Telvanni Towers after a small quest, anywhere you want outside. These towers have interiors which can be placed and then filled with furniture. Build to your hearts content, whether it be a house, or even entire cities. Tel Esphoros is now a reality!
  • Houses by Korana
    - Whether you want something large and majestic, cozy and quaint, or magical and surreal, Korana has a house for you. Her Ascadian Rose Cottage, Solstheim Castle, and Magus Realm Tower are some of the best places to live. Whether you're looking for something huge or simply quaint, you'll probably find something to interest you here.
  • Houses by Princess_Stomper
    - Princess_stomper has made quite a few gorgeous homes for every need. You can get a home as small as the Wolverine Apartment, or as big as the Nerevarine Palace which adds an entire canton for your Nerevarine character to live in. Now there's even an improved Factor's Estate. Time to move again. Also recently updated two of her mods, Am-Ru's Retreat and marandus Abode.
  • Houses by Shezrie
    - A half dozen small and medium houses for your enjoyment. Cozy and warm with plenty of storage.
  • Ice's Hideaway
    - A mansion under the sea just south of Raven Rock.
  • Journey's End
    - lochnarus gives us his masterpiece house. There's a quest to get the house, but you don't have to leave the island it's on to complete it. You may also wish to get the Lunaris Shield plugin which completes a weapon/shield set found in Journey's End.
  • Kahleigh's Retreat
    - Quaint little house mod behind the Caldera Mages' Guild. -Lots- of storage in the basement and it looks great. The Tribunal/Bloodmoon version lets the expansions' ingredients get sorted too. Morrowind only Alternate Link TB/BM Alternate Link
  • Lakura Manor
    - A house west of Gnisis that has all the standard house things --- warp rings, a quest, mutliple crystal arrays, a bedroom, display tables, a forceshield, fountains, lights that you can turn on and off, a localized weather crystal, and other generic stuff.Alternate Link
  • Moonshadow Temple
    - Adds 6 unfurnished houses of varying sizes. An Ivory furniture shop to decorate the house of your dreams is included. You can even change the floor tiles to your preference.
  • Ranger Tent
    - A woodsy looking tent-home. Carry it with you wherever you go. Great for traveling. Alternate Link
  • Ravenloft
    - Huge housing mod, with many rooms. Lots of display, storage. Some hidden rooms for the player to find. No exterior in the main mod. The rooms include: bedroom, armory, dojo, swimming pool, mage's lab, challenge pits, teleportation chamber, closet, library, sanctum and more. Visit Bantari's site for addons and more information.
  • Silveris Draconis' Old Home
    - A great looking house near Ebonheart, beautifully retextured inside. Alternate Link
  • Solstheim Mages Tower 3.0
    - Adds a tower and a tiny stone settlement worthy of a mage in Solstheim. Look in the Balmora's Mage Guild for a map to it.
  • Tel Magus 1.0
    - A beautiful Telvanni style tower that is great for mages and fighters alike! On the one hand, it is a grand house with an indoor tree spanning over four floors, but at the same time it has a cozy and rustic atmosphere. The interior is made from a single cell and there's 2 locations to choose from, either in the Grazelands or in the Ascadian Isles south of Ebonheart.
  • Telperion 1.03
    - Located South of Vivec's Telvanni Canton is Telperion is a wonderful three story Tree House and a trapped fairy in need of someone to rescue her. There's a Telperion Basement Addon available too! Alternate Link
  • The Battlespire
    - Not your average house mod! Complete a quest to regain a fragment of the legendary Battlespire, returned to our time. You'll find it hovering over the town of Sadrith Mora. Alternate Link

    ~NOTES~ There are plenty of great house mods. Too many in fact to list here, so I listed the ones I tend to use more frequently. If you want even more houses and/or more information on some of the ones listed here, please take a look at KWShipman's Housing Mod List.

  • Book Rotate 5.3
    - Stack/place your books how you want and fill up those bookshelves in your library.
  • Dave Humphrey's Furniture Store 2.01
    - Adds over 400 furniture items that you can pick up and move, allowing you to completely alter your own house layout while in the game. Empty house now supplied as well. Items include all the typical house furnishings (tables, chairs, beds, etc...), plants and trees for decorating outside your house, and even placeable containers so you can store all your loot.
  • Historical Tapestries
    - Places 26 Medieval and Renaissance tapestries for sale at Pawnbrokers in Morrowind. You can buy them and place them anywhere you wish using a convenient popup box to move them precisely around the world.
  • House of Mannequins
    Grumblepunk gives you all sorts of mannequins: statues, wooden, skeletal, vampiric, mist, and dancing. Get the mistform fix too. What, you need more?
  • Real Furniture and Potted Plants
    - Two mods by Andoreth that add so much in the way of decor for your houses. Put furniture where you want it. Also allows for buying and placing "Dongle's Delights" like canopy beds, musical instruments, and printing presses. Some of Lady Eternity's stuff too. There's also "Empty Houses" from Coleen ready for furnishing that include a tavern and a keep. All mods are on the same page for easy one stop shopping! The original furniture mod conflicts with House of Mannequins, but there's an easy upgrade/fix on the same page too.
  • Shield Placer
    - Allows shields to be placed on walls, doors (teleporting, not swinging), floors, wherever, and stay that way. Drop the shield in front of you, click on it, and follow the instructions.
  • Weapon Rotate 1.1
    - Allows an easy way to arrange your weapon collection tidily, featuring various beautiful weapon racks which you can buy from several vendors. Unlike other mods that allow for objects being rotated, you don't have to go through a menu every time you place (or pick up) a weapon. Simply drop the weapon on the right spot (they're marked) on a rack, and it will rotate and snap to the correct position. Quick and easy. Depending on the rack, the weapons end up in vertical or horizontal position.
  • Wine Rack
    - Allows players to place empty bottles/jugs and alcoholic potions on their sides. The first time you drop a bottle, it lays on it's side with it's opening facing the player (N-S-E-W only) and the second time you drop it, it stands upright. Works great for placing bottles in wine racks. Does have one caveat, however. The bottles no longer stack in your inventory (thus the reason for not putting the script on regular potions).

  • Chalk 2.0
    - Graffiti artists of Morrowind unite! Write all over the place in chalk. Write what you want now and make circles, body outlines, and even 6th House marks like in the game.
  • Community Splash Pack Community Splash Pack II
    - Adds many splash screens using characters from community members. Pick and choose the ones you like.
  • Creeper and Mudcrab Remover
    - For those that see the Creeper and Mudcrab as a cheat and don't want them in their game, this mods removes them from the game entirely including other mods that would reintroduce them if this mod is loaded last.
  • Daggerfall Book Collection
    - Adds the books from the Daggerfall game to Morrowind.
  • Eternal Flame
    - Allows you to place an open flame any place you choose; fireplaces, along your favorite road, on corpses, anywhere. The entrance to the cave to acquire the EternalFlame is located along the east road of Balmora.
  • Helios Keep
    - A -massive- castle with lots of eye-candy.
  • Mainframe's Backpacks
    - Adds 7 different possible styles of backpacks for your character's choosing with screenshots to help you choose which one you'd like your character to have. The Backpacks have a feather spell on them as a bonus reason for wearing them. Read the readme for more including how to change out Ent's backpack for this one. Load up and go see Farin Hayoak about backpacks. Finally you can look like an adventurer...
  • ModTown 2004 v1.3
    - Adds a unique island town built by the Morrowind Modding Community that demonstrates what one can do with the Construction Set "straight out of the box." Alternate Link
  • Vality7's 3D Maps
    - 3D Maps of Vvardenfell, Solstheim, Cyrodiil, Tamriel Rebuilt, Black Marsh etc. to be used as Modder Resources. Each map does come with its own .esp example map. A great resource for your house mods too. Read the readme for the details. Do not load all the .esp files at the same time, as they conflict.

  • Alchemy of the Wind
    - Word has it that a "damned evil" alchemist has put a curse on the wind! Talk to Horatio Nebevoy at the Ebonheart docks for more. Comprises of a single quest, with the opportunity to obtain secret master alchemy stuff and daedric pauldrons. Nice for those who don't have the expansions but still need the daedric pauldrons to complete their set. For high level characters.
  • Ald-Vendras 3.0
    - Ald-Vendras V3 is a combination of high detailed islands (containing all available work around Ald-Vendras V2 including all updates and addons plus a further extended landmass) east of Solstheim. It can be split into two regions called Ald-Vendras and Ald-Vendras West. While Ald-Vendras is more looking like Vvardenfell, Ald-Vendras West is pure Solstheim style. Beside the huge landmass Ald-Vendras offers also some quests and many homes (including 4 castles) which can be obtained by the player; some by quests, some can be bought or can be earned by your chosen career. Changes in V3 (compared to V2 and it´s available addons):
    1. Combined work to avoid users being confused about so many available patches, updates and addons for Ald-Vendras V2
    2. Further extended landmass.
    3. Minor improvements to the included "Castle Kanthrock" version.
    4. Removed all NPC´s out of Castle Avalon (it´s now buyable).
    5. Added new NPC (Stratus) who sells some homes.
    6. Added mooses and squirrels
    7. Many minor improvements to the landmass (replaced a tree there, added a rock here, improvements to some landscape-textures, and so on...).
  • Annastia 3.3
    - There are in total three main quests which can be played in any order, and more side quests than you can shake a stick at, all of which are based on the island of Annastia, which lies some way to the South of Vivec. Includes DeathTrap Dungeon, City of Thieves, and Firetop Mountain - with more in the series being worked on for the future. Lots of adventure. This one is compatible with Necessities of Morrowind too. Alternate Link
  • Beyond YsGramor 2.5
    - Become a Windhelm Oddfellow. Minimum level 30 to join. 23 quests to complete. The latest and greatest version is an ESM and no longer conflicts with The Black Mill. Alternate Link
  • Black Queen Chronicles
    - Adds a long new quest involving Juib and the Black Queen. If you loved Daggerfall, you'll like this. Level 15 and up.
  • Blades Quest: Prophecy of the Lost Heir
    - A quest fit for the Nerevarine. Side quests and new companions too. You have to be the Nerevarine to play this mod.
  • Bloody Oath
    - "Dunmer will never again rule the island as long as there is a single Nord left in all of Tamriel." North of Dagon Fel adventure awaits...A second part is in the works.
  • Booty Island 1.1
    - Investigate Piracy along Vvardenfell's eastern coast with 3 new islands to explore with 9 quests.
  • Children of the Night Part One and Two
    - An epic quest involving a companion named Ariela. Designed primarily for low levels to start along with the main quest. Conflicts (ghosting) with Doom Door.
  • Chu-bran's Treasure
    - The Argonian "Chu-bran" needs your help. His reward is well worth it: a "Bottomless Quiver" that uses magicka to create new arrows/bolts.
  • Cult of the Clouds
    - Introduces a new faction that focuses on powerful magics involving the weather. New books, creatures, dungeons, NPCs, etc.
  • Havish 1.3
    - Another great town and landmass created by JOG. Located northwest of Vvardenfell. Adds quite a few new quests and items. Need to be Mage Guild member and have a reputation of 2. Complete re-release that fixes, reorganizes, and adds a few new things as well.
  • Horror Mod 3.01
    - People in Suran are disappearing. Descend into the darkness and find out if you have the skills to survive the horror. Mature "rating" and level 35 recommended to begin play.
  • Hunter Modification
    - Adds several quests that teach the player to use more parts of creatures in order to get 9 new ingredients.
  • Illuminated Order
    - New Faction. Learn ancient secrets. Become a lich. Over 20 quests that span all over Tamriel. Conflicts with Indy Bank mod.
  • Inferno's Island Revisited
    - A journey to Seyda Neen and a letter will lead you on an interesting quest, from joining the Legion of Inferno Island to solving many a puzzle to a delicious final battle at the end.
  • Inn of the Whispering Wood 1.4
    - Places a large, highly detailed new land mass on the eastern edge of Solstheim, increasing the islands' size about 20%, including a new Inn/dock area. Quests for level 30+. Conflicts with White Wolf of Lokken Mountain.
  • Inseperable Siblings
    - An Argonian named Unbroken-Claw has recently moved to Gnisis after finding freedom, but he still has a lament. Listen to his story and perhaps you can help him out. A smallish, but very well written quest mod.
  • Korobal Island v1.2
    - 45 quests, a new landmass, and 344 new NPCs. Takes a build as you go approach. Conflicts slightly with Moon Spawn (Landscape) and conflicts with New Khuul. Also, a house for the Elvish Trade Cartel featured in this mod conficts with the Physiqued Capes store in the St. Delyn Canalworks. Alternate Link
  • Leaves of Lorien 1.2
    - This mod adds a sleepy little island (Isle of Elenna) off the coast, directly south of Ebonheart docks. A bridge connects the mainland to the island. Pay heed to the "Welcome" pylons, for they hold the dreams of the Elves. The Island has been abandoned. The traces of a race of elves remain scattered across the island. The weeping trees bear gifts to aid you in your journeys. A full set of armour is waiting for you, and a challenge to seek out and claim the the armours of the High-elves and Dwarves who have long since left the Isle of Vardenfell [7 total, gender specific]. The mod also adds a playable race, the Valmer or Grey Elves. Alternate Link
  • LichCraft 2 2.03
    - This mod allows you to play as a Lich. A forgotten book in the Secret Library of Vivec leads the player to a series of tasks which must be completed in order to perform the Ritual of Becoming.
  • Lothavor's Legacy 1.03
    - Torlof Sigurdsson in Sadrith Mora tells you about his brother who had acquired an old map of an unknown island one year ago, sailed there hoping to find some undiscovered treasures, but never returned. Now Torlof is looking for a bold adventurer who might help him... Are you up to the challenge?
  • Moon's Spawn
    - Interesting quest, a floating Dwemer fortress, and lots of fun. What's not to like? Meant for higher level characters. Conflicts slightly with Korabal Island. (Landscape)
  • Muck Shovel of Vivec
    - Adds a quest to find the Muck Shovel of Vivec. A unique artifact used by Vivec while helping a poor muck farmer who's guar died in the Fields of Kummu. Temple related, but any player factions may participate. Quest is somewhat independent of your level. Although one weapon skill, and one other skill are favored. Alternate Link
  • Muffinwind
    - Over 150 new NPCs, 100 new locations, and 20 hours of gameplay. It all amounts to some serious fun!
  • Myth and Murder
    - A nice detective story with memorable NPCs that is compatible with The Seekers Faction.
  • Of Love and Ignorance
    - A young woman in Hla Oad has run off after a fight with her mother. Will you help the mother find her daughter before it's too late?
  • Oluhan 1.13 Final
    - Adds a new faction, 40 quests, a secret underground city, and over 140 NPCs. Best of all you can hit the ground running at Level 1 with this mod.
  • Predator Prey Mod
    - Adds Predator Quests, the Predator Race and Predator Weapons to Morrowind, adding 70 weapons/Armors and several dungeons with original content. There is also a strong alien presence, including Xenomorphs of all descriptions, Queen, Empress, Facehuggers, Eggs, Drones.
  • Privateer's Hold
    - Alternate beginning mod that adds the starter dungeon from Daggerfall into Morrowind. Great fun!
  • Scourge of the Lich Father
    - A multi-part adventure which adds new characters, locations, factions, creatures, armour and weapons to the world of Vvardenfell. When a mysterious cripple arrives on the Silt Strider at Balmora a chain of events is set in motion that threatens the lives of every soul in the realm. Slight conflict with Black Queen Chronicles and The Prison Escape, since you meet Jiub again.
  • Sixth House 2.03
    - Welcome to the darkside...join the Sixth House as a Sleeper and rise in rank until you're a Dagoth. You know you want to.
  • Sorefoot Enterprises, Inc. 1.5a
    - Adds 4 new silt striders, a merchant city, expanded shipping routes, new houses, quests for low level characters, and more.
  • Stanegau Island 1.1
    - Interesting quest and island mod. Starts small and gains momentum.
  • Suran Underworld 2.5
    - Explore the criminal underworld of Suran. At least 20th level to start recommended. The conflict with Suran Archery Tradehouse will be taken care of in SU 3.0. In the meantime Pseron Wyrd has made a fixed version for the Suran Underworld 2.5 mod that moves the SU abandoned house so there's no conflict. Alternate Link
  • Tales of the Bitter Coast
    - Adds 10 NPCs with new quests for characters just beginning around the Bitter Coast region. Alternate Link
  • Tales of Tel Branora
    - Adds 10 NPCs with new quests for characters just beginning, but this time around Tel Branora. Alternate Link
  • TarMar
    - TarMar is a quaint little village resort with a brewing scandal the Imperial Court wishes you to look into. Give your investigative skills a test! Suitable for low level characters. Conflicts slightly with Beyond YsGramor.
  • Telos Rin Graveyard
    - Merges flawlessly with Bloodmoon; discover the Rin Graveyard.
  • The Aedronicon
    - A new race, new cities, new weapons, and quests to go with them. The Aedron are a magic-using elven race, descended from the Chimer, that now hail from Oblivion...
  • The Black Mill
    - Very long quest and new landmass. For level 25 and up. Conflicts with The Seekers Faction in regards to "Inquisitors." Conflicts with BJ's Twin Lamps.
  • The Dwemeri Secret
    - A well written and deeply involving Dwemer quest mod.
  • The Ebony Blade
    - Discover the sad tale of Sevilius Onus, a former adventurer grieving for his friend, who died under horrific circumstances. He spends his days at Shenks Shovel, Caldera, unwilling to tell anyone of the ordeal. His story is linked to a dungeon beneath ruins on an uncharted island, and ultimately to the Ebony Blade. Yes, the Ebony Blade. Alternate Link
  • The Glory Road
    - Glory Road is a large adventure with multiple side quests. On your journey you will encounter many weird and wonderful characters, a shopping experience to die for and numerous places of entertainment. Recommended for characters level 25 and over.
  • The Illumination of Conundwala
    - An elf in the Ald Velothi Outpost named Galerun fears his brother, Conundwala, has gone mad, and is desperately seeking somebody to help him out. Conundwala has built himself a make-shift house just outside of the small town, and does nothing but collect lights and ramble incoherently about 'finding illumination' or some such nonsense. Can you help Conundwala find his Illumination?
  • The Lost Armor of St. Nerevar
    - A small quest to get the Lost Armor of St. Nerevar. Get it, you'll be glad you did. (Third mod listed on the page)
  • The Runaway
    - Another nice mod by Dale French (The Seekers' Faction, Myth and Murder) that allows the player to play detective.
  • The Seekers Faction
    - Introduces a new investigative Faction. Great fun. Conflicts with The Black Mill in regards to "Inquisitors."
  • The White Wolf of Lokken Mountain v2.0
    - An enchanting island with beautiful landscapes, an awesome main quest, side quests, romance, and a handful of possible companions. This one has it all! Conflicts with Inn of the Whispering Wood.
  • Theurgist
    - A mage-oriented mod for character levels 15-25. New items, quests, clothing, and spells dealing with the elements.
  • Three Shades of Darkness
    - A treasure map leads to a shunned place where restless spirits jealously guard their worldly possessions...Features a couple of new unique weapons.
  • Twin Lamps
    - Joinable Twin Lamps faction and quests by Brother Juniper. Conflicts with Nevena's Twin Lamps and Slavehunters. Conflicts with the Black Mill.
  • Twin Lamp and Slavehunters 1.5
    - Nevena fleshes out the Twin Lamps Faction and adds a new one, Slavehunters. Free every slave in the game. @100 quests and subquests, plus 100 random "restocking" quests. Conflicts with Brother Juniper's Twin Lamps above. Alternate Link
  • Veldion
    - Large new landmass and quests. New meshes and textures, a wonderful cathedral. Alternate Link
  • Way of the Talon 2.1
    - This quest mod is based around the Pharlans race mod (which is needed for this mod to work - found below under Sabregirl's Beast Races), but is playable by any race. It's designed to introduce the player to Pharlan lore. The quests will be somewhat different depending on if you play as a pharlan or not, making for good replayability.
  • Witchgirl Adventure
    - A nice companion and side quest. Lost Artifacts, Romance, and a Rescue Mission.
  • Wizard's Island
    - Ged, The Frost Bringer, created the "Great Chill" and is draining the living energy from the land. In order to survive, The Drakens built a city of 3 pyramids and artificialy created their own natural habitat within. Only the town of Wintervale and the three Draken Pyramids resisted, with the protection of the Naz soldiers and the Draken's mages. Goblins have been hiding from the Frost Bringer under their castle ruins and created a new kingdom as their home. Ged is now in control of a Cult of Followers and, with the help of the Lich Grymward, is slowly gathering an army of evil. Dark days await the town of Wintervale. Should you help defend Wintervale or join the Cult of Ged and lead the attack? The choice is yours. Wizard's Island Map Screenshot

    ~NOTES~ Many quests adding new landmasses will conflict with each other. Cryonaut made a a nice MAP demonstrating these conflicts.

  • Altaran by Westly
    - An Altmer/Breton hybrid race with plenty of faces to choose from including vampire visages.
  • Chittaa'mer, Feral Elves and Chittaa-jiit, Warrior Beasts
    - Two variations of a hybrid Mer/Khajiit race that look wonderful. If you like feline elves or vice-versa, give these a try.
  • Clanfear Race
    - Introduces the Clanfear as a playable race. Tired of Argonians, then get this!
  • Deadites 2.0
    - Adds two new races, Deadites and Night Stalkers. Deadites are evil undead that are primarily oriented around spellcasting, though their icy grip gives them a small Hand-to-hand bonus. The Night Stalkers recieve bonuses to their spellcasting abilities, but also rely on stealth to track their prey. Some "evil" birthsigns are also included. Screenshot
  • Daemon Races
    - Introduces three races of "Daemons": -Halephel:"Fangs of the earth", Fearless and strong warrior with huge wings; -Baalithiel:"dancing spirits of the moon", Lords of the way of magic; -Valacath: "spawns of the serpents" they are silent predators, clever and wicked. Only use one ESP/race at a time. Well done races, but considered a beta because lack of faces.
  • Dremora: Markynaz and Companion 1.2
    - A better body race skilled in both the art of war and adept in all schools of magika. Plenty of faces including vampire heads are included. A male and female companion are included as well! Alternate Link
  • Drow City Denizens and Drow City Denizens Headpack 1
    - Adds the Darker Drow as a playable race. Quite tasty. The headpack adds five drow heads (four male and one female) with matching skintone for more variety.
  • Geonox's Race mods
    - Meet the Darhjiin, Nirrera, and the Irashi-ru. Three race mods to perk up your game.
  • Golden Saint Race and Armor
    - Adds a new better body race based on Golden Saints, including female and male versions. Also added in this mod is a full set of Golden Saint armor, comparable to Indoril Armor. Alternate Link
  • Jenova's Child .7
    - Adds the race Jenova's Child from the Final Fantasy VII advent Children). Nice heads and hairstyles by Ren. Technically still a beta, but still too good to pass up.
  • Kalikut's Race Mods
    - Meet the Chimer of Light, Elementals, and Kalimer races. Some nice headpacks and stuff is on the page too.
  • Meadow Fae
    - Korana gives a lovely playable new race, the Meadow Fae, using Better Bodies meshes. Lots of options with these. Plenty of clothing is included, and there are vampire heads (playable too) as well. Even glowing wings are possible with an added download.
  • Night Elves 1.08
    - Adds Night Elves with Better Bodies to the game for the player to use. Comes with Moon Armor too! Check Meldor's in Balmora.
  • Playable Dremora Project
    - Two years in the making, but the screenshots should say it all. An all new race for Morrowind just in time for Oblivion. Get the Non-Nude version here.
  • Ra'kath Panther Khajiit
    - Adds another variety of Khajiit for the player to use. Not to be confused with Cathay-Raht, the Ra'kath are not lore based, but they're still a nice addition to the game. Alternate Link
  • Sabregirl's Beast Races
    - Sabregirl introduces us to a myriad of new beast races (with more on the way no doubt): Chefik (elvish race with some cat features), Hazaeki (shape shifter race), Hrotha (a female lioness race plus male and female elvish race with lion features), Gryphons (griffin race), Jo'Rakht (half Khajiit/half Dunmer), Kentarossai (evil beast race), Keynari (fox race), Ryukaissens (dragon warrior race with lots of retextures), Tartarians (bird race that likes fire), and her masterpiece, the Pharlans (bird race) which now come in a Forest, Galesa (artic), and a Gadan variety as well. She does a nice job of constantly updating them too, so check 'em out.
  • Twilimer Elves
    - A tribe of elves, seeking separation from their brother elves (who had become too arrogant and prideful), set out to sea to find a new home, where they could practice the old ways, rekindling traditions abandoned by their relative elves. One night at sea, a violent and terrible storm over took their ships, destroying several, and sending the rest off course, crashing upon the rocks of an uncharted island. It seemed a cruel twist of fate had given the elves the home and solitude that were in search of. The rest of the history is included in the file.
  • The Wolven
    - A classic by Phyntowasp. Be sure to get the update too. Sabregirl also did a Wolven update for Better Bodies
  • White Senches 1.3
    - A nifty beast race that's now BB-compatible, with new foot meshes, physiqued hair, and all sorts of fun new high-quality goodness... Senche hunting armor is included, as are a couple of "Jhirl Robes." Alternate Link
  • X-Jiit
    - Adds 6 new races to Vvardenfell, all results of crossbreeding between Khajiit and Elf or Human races. They are naturally stealthy, have an aptitude for unarmed combat and have inherited some of their abilities from their maternal side. Also included are a pair of clothing vendors selling a few retextured items. A couple of companions have been placed in Suran and will join you when your level is high enough. If that's not enough for you, you can also get a 7th crossbreed, the Orcjiit.

    ~NOTES~ Need yet even more races to play with? Take a look at Sabregirl's Ultimate Playable Race List

  • Adul's Arsenal 2.9
    - Adds a new shop, the Attractive Arsenal, with a large collection of realistic weapons. The new location is aboard a ship near Hla Oad. New weapon types have also been added.
  • Azriel the Merchant 2.0 (Full version)
    - Adds a merchant on top of Balmora's North Guard Tower that sells weapons (including defensive counterparts for dual weapon weilding), sheathes, wings, and other unique items including a matrix style longcoat. This is the full version so Azriel the Merchant 1.0 is no longer needed.
  • Cali's Opticians
    - Head over to Sadrith Mora near Wolverine hall and visit Bob the Optician to get your glasses and sunglasses. Includes 12 pairs of glasses, both armored and clothing versions. Be sure to download the playable mod, and not the resource version. Alternate Link
  • Carnithus Armamentarium Complete
    - Adds a shop in the Molag Amur region for those characters that like the darker side of life. Alternate Link
  • Death's Doorstep 3.0 and Death's Doorstep Add-On
    - Adds a shop on the outskirts of Gnisis that contains many new weapons, armor, and clothes tailored to those with darker tastes.
  • Enmesharra's Tapestry Shop and Enmesharra's Tapestry Shop Add-On
    - Adds a shop that sells 46 different tapestries based on the artwork of Pre-Raphaelite artists. Once purchased you can place these tapestries anywhere you like. Just put it on the ground below where you want it. It will automatically position itself to the proper height for a small size room. The addon contains an additional 20 tapestries that contains some mild artistic nudity.
  • Heaven's Lookout 1.0
    - This mod adds a floating fortress, which is accessed by equipping a ring found on the northern Balmora guard tower. On the fortress there are 2 shops that sell weapons and better bodies clothing. Alternate Link
  • Exotics Boutique
    - Clothing for Better Bodies and Smoother Bodies, Boots, Paintings, Tapestries, Wings (that really fly), and a small collection of weapons. Looks like a trip to Vos is in order. Conflicts with Pegas Horse Ranch in regards to landscape "rips."
  • House of Spears 3.0
    - People keep asking for spears and scythes, so here you go. Adds a couple of shops around Vvardenfell that sell the stuff, as well as adding some to the leveled lists so be sure to use a leveled list merger. The original version conflicts slightly with the Suran Archery Tradehouse, but Pseron Wyrd has made a a fixed version that moves the HOS so there's no more conflict.
  • Kayla's Knick Knacks
    - Adds a shop called Kayla's Knick-Knacks just East of Gnisis, in the side of the hill. Kayla sells everything there, except for the more "evil" mad scientist stuff, which is sold by Dr. Finsleth in an adjoining room. Alternate Link
  • Metal Queen Boutique 3.1
    - For the fashionable female adventurer (there's some male stuff too). The latest and greatest version of the clothing boutique by Canadian Ice features clothing styles from every facet of Morrowind, from the standard bodies to Smoother Bodies to Better Bodies. No more excuses for not getting this wonderful mod! Also, note it's now an ESM which the Andromache quest is dependent on. You can also pick up a couple of addons for the MQB too: Queen of Hearts Armor which now comes in a few more colors for the Better Bodies variety and also Victorian Gowns which come in 11 different styles for Better Bodies. There's "pixie" boots too!
  • Provincial Bath Shoppe
    - Adds all the items you can dream up to add to your Morrowind Bath rooms! The shop is located nestled up against a corner of the castle in Pelagiad. The shop keeper will offer you a catalog when you first speak with her, please look at the catalog to see how some of the items are grouped.
  • Star Boi's The Hidden Pathway 2.0
    - Combines all three of Star Boi's major releases: Magical Goods (aka The Hidden Pathway 1.0), The Epic Armory, and his Elfish weapon resource pack. All wrapped into one handy little complex of shops just outside Sadrith Mora. Particle FX galore! Just look at all the pretty Screenshots!
  • Suran Archery Tradehouse 3.0
    - Adds a shop to the town of Suran wthat sells many new bows, arrows, and armor. There is also a trainer on the roof and the Tradehouse has been moved back to its original position.
  • The Cloak and Dagger
    - Marvelous apparel, armor, and a few daggers found in 3 shops in Vivec, Pelagiad, and Ald-Ruhn. The shop in Ald-ruhn conflicts with the Witchgirl Adventure quest by Emma.
  • The White Heron 1.1
    - Adds a shop located near the Tel Vos Dungeon entrance in the Grazelands with an NPC named Xia who sells some rare Oriental clothing, armor and weapons.

  • Apprentice Scrolls and Mystic Quills 1.4
    - Allows the character to learn 101 spells from scrolls or convert them to castable versions to use them normally. Plus there's also 6 types of mystical quills you can write spell scrolls with. You'll want to use a leveled list merger with this mod.
  • Daedric Sorcery 1.2
    - This mod centers around a group trying to rediscover how to summon the Lords of Oblivion. You can join in the search to discover how. Be aware, each has their own agenda, and wants to be the last one standing at the end. Different quest paths built in, so the mod can be played several times for a slightly different result.
  • Inscription 2.0
    - Allows the character to make scrolls, upgraded to 5 levels for each spell. Inscription is also a learned skill now.
  • Magical Trinkets of Tamriel III
    - Many great scripted items for mages and other characters. Emblems, Sigils, Foci, Unfinished Rings, Charms, Ioun Stones, Sarah Stones, Mana Bolts, Scepters, Shard Weapons and Linked Items. Throw in Channeling and Necromancy and you get an idea of what this mod offers. Now there's even more added, including Threads, Contingencies, Disguises, and Artifacts.
  • Missing Bound Armor
    - Adds the spells Bound Greaves and Bound Pauldrons so you can get a full set now...
  • Multiple Teleport Marking Mod
    - Replaces the Mark and Recall spells with a version that allows marking up to 12 different locations. Alternate Link
  • NPC Soultrapping 1.21 by Torgulf
    - Now you can trap the souls of the non-creatures in the game...great for those necromancer wannabes.
  • Pocket Pals
    - Adds figurines that can be "filled" with a soul. That soul can then be summoned with the figurine to accompany the player as a familiar, and then placed back into the figurine when the player chooses or when time demands. A Search for Pocket Pals should turn them all up. Alternate Link
  • Scripted Spells 1.5
    - Transform into creatures and other magical attacks. Great for vampires. Alternate Link

  • All Boat Ports
    - This plug-in was designed to make it so you can get from any ship port to any other ship port that came with Morrowind.Now you can go straight to your preferred destination without changing boats 3 or 4 times. Alternate Link
  • All Strider Ports
    - This plug-in was designed to make it so you can get from any silt strider port to any other silt strider port that came with Morrowind. Now you can go straight to your preferred destination without changing silt striders 3 or 4 times. Alternate Link
  • Fishing Academy 2.0
    - Catch fish, sail boats, and relax. Versions 2.53 and beta 2.54 are also included. Only use one ESP at a time. Conflicts with SellnSail Galleon.
  • Flying Carpet
    - Fly across Vvardenfell with the magic flying carpet. Control the flight in real-time (no msg boxes interruption), plus other great features.
  • If Wishes Were Horses
    - Ride Horseback courtesy of MagicNakor! Many different pants versions and great versatility.
  • Lord of the Dragons 1.2
    - Ride dragons in real time! Of course you'll need to defeat the Prince of the Power of the Air and his armada of dragons first, if you're up the challenge.
  • Pegas Horse Ranch 3.1
    - MadMax brings us a special horse ranch which will allow you the ability to buy, sell, train and breed horses. Twenty different horses broken down into 3 categories are available with the proper training and breeding. A bonus feature allows your companions to ride horseback as well. In addition AlienSlof made some nice Horse Retextures that can be found here. There's new book art to match and now the retextures come in a high resolution format.
  • Pegas Horse Ranch Saddles Add-on
    - This mod replaces the saddle mesh with a Better Bodies compatible saddle and lower torso, there is also the option of riding your horse bareback (no saddle). It's the "Saddle" link on the left side.
  • SellnSail Galleon
    - Set sail with a buyable galleon and pull into port all over Vvardenfell. Conflicts with Fishing Academy and multimark mods. Conflicts with the Black Mill.
  • Ultimate Galleon 2.2
    - Allows the player to sail a ship in real time, walk the decks, fire cannons, and even bring companions along. Even your horse from Pegas Horse Ranch. So what are you waiting for?! Head on over to Suran and convince Max to let you have his ship.

    ~NOTES~ For more Transport type mods take a look at Travel Mods.

  • Diablerie!
    - Lets you drink other vampires dry using the Vampire Embrace combat feeding feature and gain some of their powers. What you gain depends on the clan of the vampire and it does come at a cost... Alternate Link
  • Happy Vampires
    - Adds 12 heads during character generation for those that wish to play a character with fangs and glowing eyes, but not completely as a vampire. Alternate Link
  • MagicNakor's Vampire Head Packs
    - Adds several new vampire heads for better variety when your character becomes a vampire. Downloadable by race.
  • Scent of Blood
    - Allows your vampire character to distinguish the clan of other vampires by their scent. This ability is part of a vampires blood magic and comes at no cost. It will happen automatically once you are in the vicinity of other vampires and requires no special action. Alternate Link
  • Slof's Vampire Faces
    - Replaces the vampire heads of the stock races with the exception of beasts which are covered in Slof's Better Beasts above under "Body Replacers." If you like prettier, surreal vampires, you should like this. Alternate Link
  • Vampire Embrace 2.4
    - So many improvements to vampires and vampire dialogue I wouldn't know where to begin. Just get it. Now your vampire children and thralls can level too.
  • Vampiric Hunger III 1.2
    - This mod adds blood hunger, scripted sun damage and many, many other changes for the vampire players to the game. In short it's a mist for a vampire character.
  • Vampiric Illusion
    - An add-on for Vampiric Hunger III and requires Vampire Embrace. The vampire player is not recognized as vampire by default unless they do something to give away their vampiric nature. This mod will let NPCs recognize the player as vampire by default unless they hide their vampiric features using magic or other means. The optional MWSE addon offers a much more realistic detection check instead of using the rather primitive "GetDetected" function in the non-MWSE version, which will report the player regardless of who sees you.
  • Vampire Realism 2.2
    - Changes vampires in order to make them much more realistic. Another one to get. Now. Alternate Link
  • Vampire Werewolf 1.2
    - Allows vampires to become werewolves and vice versa. Fixes the vampire werewolf head bug and offers a choice of 4 different heads for your vampire werewolf. Alternate Link There's also a Werewolf Realism - Vampire Werewolf patch available for those that use this mod and Werewolf realism below.

    ~NOTES~ More Vampire (and Werewolf) themed mods are available. At the very least check out the Vampire Character Mod Load Order list.

  • Assassin's Armory 7.6
    - Adds the Assassins Armory shop in the main Morag Tong's Guildhall. Adds quite a few new weapons for stealth and fighter classes. Pick up the Assassin's Armory 7.7 Unofficial Patch as well if you're so inclined.
  • Fists of Fire
    - Adds physical damage and cast-on-strike spell effects to hand-to-hand combat.
  • Harlequin Sword and Bow
    -This particular resource adds 4 katanas, 2 bows and 1 two-handed sword to the game. All of the swords have scabbards and the two bows have quivers.All of these items have sheathing scripts attached in a sample plugin. As is the case with most of Phijama's releases, this is primarily for use as a resource though it does include a playable plugin with the items placed in game courtesy of 'Ashemanu' - many thanks there! The sample plugin requires Bloodmoon to run due to the sheathing scripts. Alternate Link
  • Lilarcor Sword 4.1
    - An interesting, unique sword. You could even say it has "soul." Alternate Link
  • Na'Eelrin
    - Probably the best looking sword I've ever had in Morrowind. And Phijama says it's just a modder's resource...
  • Peace and Tranquility
    - Adds 3 new sword meshes to the game. A pair of twinblades named 'Peace and Harmony', 'Tranquility' which is a solo, longer variation of 'Peace' and lastly 'Defiance', a simple two handed longsword. Peace, Harmony and Tranquility all have their own sheathes. Alternate Link
  • Quivers and Fletching Kits 2.5
    - Quivers and fletching kits for use in Morrowind. Great for archers. Look for the NPC Theadra in Balmora and be sure to merge your leveled lists.
  • Requiem Sword
    - Adds a two handed longsword with dragon detail and partial reflect maps. Unenchantable, but quite unique. Included are all stages of scabbard, full, drawn, ground full, ground empty. A scabbard is also included for 1 handed use, i.e. it's optimised for the 1 hand animation when strapped to the back. Now you can get Phijama's own personal version of Requiem, the Dragon Blade. Higher poly, more detail, and Phijama uses his own personal mesh. Don't tell me you haven't gotten it yet... Requiem Alternate Link Dragon Blade Alternate Link
  • Serpentine Staff
    - Puts a sweet looking staff inside the Seyda Neen Lighthouse. Two opposing snake heads at the top with particle effects at top and bottom.
  • The Frostmourne
    - Adds a small quest to obtain the fabled sword, the Frostmourne based on the Warcraft sword. Screenshot
  • VagabondAngel's Weapons
    - Outstanding Weapons! Elvish Sabres and Katanas; Silver Longswords and Katanas; and my favorite, the Hissyo Katana.
  • Vapor Wraith 3.0
    - Adds the Vapor Wraith long sword, the Crystal Wraith shorter parrying sword with sheaths for both, Shadow & Wraith daggers that sheath on the wrists, and Storm Wraith thrown daggers with a leg sheath.
  • Weapon Compilation Mod 2.0
    - A great collection of weapons added to leveled lists.
  • Weapons of Tamriel 1.2
    - Some excellent realistic swords and weapons. Look for them in Suran at the smith's shop.

    ~NOTES~ Need even more weapons? Check out Vagabond's Armoury. If you're looking for dual-wield weapons, check out Pseron Wyrd's Dual Wield List.

  • Alternate Werewolf Textures
    - Gives 9 alternate werewolf coloring textures. Because everyone wants to be different, even werewolves.
  • Bloodmoon Werewolf Realism
    - Makes changes to werewolves in order to make them more realistic. A Daggerfall style Hircine ring is included so don't use this with the Hircine ring fix mod below.
  • Daggerfall Style Hircine Ring
    - Changes the scripts on the Hircine Ring in Bloodmoon. Non-lycanthropes will find the ring nothing more than a pretty piece of jewelry. When equiped but not used (ie., chose "no" on the menu) the ring will block normal transformations until it is removed. The ring will still allow lycanthropes to transform at will without suffering the bloodlust.
  • Regionally Known Werewolves
    - Now when people see you changing into a werewolf you'll only be known in the region you were seen instead of the entire world. Also, after a certain period people will forget they saw you. Default is 30 days, but it's adjustable. Read the readme for more great features.
  • Wereskins
    - New textures that allow you to choose white werewolves with blue eyes or black werewolves with red eyes.
  • Werewolf Clans of Vvardenfell
    - Offers 4 clans of Werewolves across Vvardenfell, each with their own lair.
  • Werewolf Evolution 1.0
    - Makes werewolf attributes and skills depend on their value in human form plus a bonus, instead of them having fixed values that don't change irrespective of how strong or weak you are in human form. Alternate Link
  • Werewolf Forget II
    - A mod that makes people forget you turned into a werewolf after a certain amount of time. This amount of time, in days, is determined with the following formula: Wait Time = 30 + ( Reputation / 10 ) + ( Bounty / 10 ) + Numerical Ranks in: Telvanni, Redoran, Hlaalu, Mage and Fighter Guilds. Each time the player is sighted transforming to or from werewolf form -without- first being forgotten, the wait time is extended 30 days. Alternate Link
  • Werewolf Re-Textures
    - Offers 8 original werewolf retextures to choose from, complete with matching first person hands.
  • Werewolves 1.61
    - Revolutionizes playing werewolves without using Bloodmoon, making vast improvements. Be warned though, there is no "cure" in Episode 1 so I would suggest making a character specifically for this.

    ~NOTES~ More Werewolf (and Vampire) themed mods are available.